Chapter 1

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A normal Saturday. That's all Stiles wants after all him and his friends have gone through these days.  He rolls out of bed at around one quickly realizing he is already half an hour late for his lunch with Malia. He grabs the keys to the jeep and runs out the door.  Once in the car Stiles realizes the car couldn't start.  Furious he gets out and kicks the jeep a couple times before realizing that the jeep would just not cooperate.

 "Hey Malia, I'm sorry I'm not there yet I'm having car trouble and..." Stiles starts on the phone as he was looking under the hood of his jeep. 

"And what? Stiles don't tell me you slept in again" Malia says as Stiles begins to jiggle a couple of rusty parts under the hood. 

"Huh? Yea I slept in. Well not really sleep in more like taking a relaxing break from trying to not get killed" Stiles says and with that remark Malia hangs up. 

"Really? First the car and now I have to deal with Malia" the Sheriff overhears his son as he comes back from the station. 

"Having a tough day?" the Sheriff says in a laughable matter. 

"You know what dad, I'm doing great, no wait I'm doing just dandy. Not only did my car break again, but Malia is pissed at me because I slept in again". 

"Well I have to sit you down anyway so come in the kitchen when you're done breaking your car even more" and with that the Sheriff goes into the house laughing at his son.

 "As if this day could get any worse" Stiles says with sigh. 

 "So what is this devastating news you needed to share?" Stiles says sitting down and taking a bite out of his father's sandwich. 

"Well I didn't want to tell you this until I was sure you were ready, but Stiles you are adopted" the Sheriff says with a sad expression starting to form on his face.

 "Dad..... I don't get it. If I'm not your's then who are my real parents?" Stiles asks with a confused look. 

"I don't know the mother, but the father's name is John Winchester. He was a man who came into town about eighteen years ago to 'help' with a case that before I left as unsolvable and to this day I don't know how he solved it". 

"Wait so he gave me to you? No adoption papers needed?" Stiles asks more confused then before. 

"Well John was always on the road and he got in a situation with a woman where she told him that he was to take the baby and leave her alone. John was already stringing two kids along and didn't want to tell his boys that he moved on from his dead wife, so while he was here on the case your mother, my wife, came to the station to tell me that we couldn't get pregnant.  She and I were miserable and John overhearing us told me that he had an idea. He would give us you if he could help me on a case. At the time we thought he was crazy, but he was perfectly normal and after the case was solved he brought you over from a state over.  Your mother fell instantly in love and we took you and pretended that we just adopted you from an agency. No questions were asked and John was on his way. End of story". 

"Do you know where this John Winchester is now? Or his boys?" Stiles asks trying to finally take a handle on the situation. 

"I honestly haven't heard from him since that night when he came with you. I do know that his boys' names are Sam and Dean. I'm sorry Stiles, but maybe it's better to just leave them from your life". 

"Maybe you're right, but he and you have decided to make the decision for me for so long I think it's time for me to find some answers myself" and with that Stiles goes upstairs to his laptop to do some research.

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