Chapter 7

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"So seniors huh" Sam asked trying to make conversation.

 "Yea our final year of hell and then about 2 years of partying" Stiles says in the backseat of the Impala. 

"Trust me school is no where even close to hell" Dean says while looking at Stiles through the mirror. 

"Oh god. I'm so sorry I forgot you went there for awhile. I feel like an idiot" Stiles says trying so hard to be on Dean's good side.

 "No it's fine. Right Dean?" Sam asks his brother hoping that Dean wouldn't go crazy on the kid. "Yea of course. It's just...." Dean gets cut off by the ringing of Sam's phone. 

"Hello?" Sam asks not recognizing the number. 

"Moose! Do you remember someone of the name Sarah Blake?" Crowley asks slyly.

 "Crowley not again. Damn it" and with that Sam hangs up the phone.

 "Dean we got to go to now" Sam says almost turning the wheel for Dean.

 "Woah, woah calm down Sam. I know where to go" and with that Dean turns around and heads toward the town where Sarah is. 

"Hey what's going on?" Scott asks concerned by Dean's reckless driving.

 "A demon named Crowley has been killing all the people we have saved in the past, so we are going to hopefully save Sarah before it's too late" Sam tries to explain. 

"Okay wow. Well this is a you problem, so maybe just drop us off at the next bus stop or something" 

"Stiles really?  We'll go with you guys and help with whatever we can" Scott intervenes. "

Yea thanks Scott that would be good. When we get to her apartment you're going to want to look for anything out of ordinary" Sam explains glad to know they had more help. 

"Crowley doesn't mess around, so make sure you two look all over the apartment for anything, okay?" Dean tells more than asks. 

"Yea, yea we got it" Stiles says starting to get anxious about this mission. 

They finally reach Sarah's apartment and run up the stairs. Sam knows they only had ten minutes to find something suspicious, so he hopes that is enough. 

"I'll knock on the door. Okay? Then Dean will start drawing symbols on the windows to protect us from demons" Sam says already heading to the door. Sam knocks on the door. 

"Hey Sarah, it's me Sam" Sam says immediately smiling at seeing Sarah.

 "What's wrong?" Sarah asks knowing that seeing Sam again isn't a good sign.

 As Sam starts to talk about the situation, Dean starts to draw the symbols, while Scott and Stiles start looking around the apartment for any suspicious stuff. 

"Hey kid want help me finish up these few symbols?" Dean asks looking towards Stiles.

 "Yea sure. I don't see anything suspicious so" Stiles quickly runs over to Dean and starts spray painting the symbol he saw from his research of the Winchesters. 

"Hey, look at that you're a natural" Dean says smiling and adding one more touch to Stiles' symbol. 

"Scott did you find anything?" Sam asks scanning the perimeter of the apartment. 

"No. Everything looks normal. I've looked under beds and everything" Scott says whilst looking through a desk drawer. 

"Sam it's midnight" Sarah says scared for what was to come.

 All of sudden Sarah grasps her neck and falls to the ground.

 "Sarah talk to me" Sam says looking at her face slowly losing color.

 The phone begins to ring.

 "Crowley what do you want?" 

"Dean I just need the tablet and all of this can go away. I'll even save Sam's girl from the hex bag". 

"Hex bag. Scott, Stiles look for a bag it's around here somewhere" Dean says worried about how much time Sarah has left. 

"You'll never find it squirrel" says Crowley proudly. 

"Damn it, I can't find it anywhere.... The phone Dean the phone!" Stiles proclaims.

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