Chapter 5

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As Stiles hears the Winchesters walking down the stairs he realizes he has no plan on what he is going to say. Absolutely nothing. 

"All I'm saying is that the waitress was totally into me not.." Dean stops mid sentence and notices the two boys sitting at the table.

 "Sammy get your gun out" and with that the Winchesters slowly go down the stairs with their guns raised. 

"Who are you?" Sam asks gun raised. 

"Woah everyone put the guns down. We need to talk to you about your father" and with that Scott cues Stiles to begin talking and the Winchesters keep their guns up. 

"Ugh..... Yea so we're.... kind of.... Can you please just put your guns down so I can say what I want to say" Stiles asks with fear easily seen on his face. 

"Wait let me get this straight. You come into our house expecting us not to worry and to sit down for this little tea party? No freaking way" Dean says holding his gun in a strong manner.

 Sam on the other hand started to lower his gun.

 "Dean lets here them out" and with that Sam sits down.

 "Are you kidding me Sam? How did you two even find us hear anyway? This bunker is heavily guarded" Dean says showing that he is not easily swung. 

"Your boyfriend angel brought us here once I told him I was your half-brother. See there I said it. Shoot me all you want" Stiles then stands up with his arms stretched out for emphasis. 

"What are you huh? A rogue vamp or something?" Dean asks still not believing Stiles, but he does start to lower his gun. 

"No no. None of that I'm just a regular guy". 

"What about him?" Sam asks. 

 "Werewolf. Alpha" with that Scott glows his red eyes to the Winchesters. 

"Okay that's it. I don't know Cas bringing you here was one thing, but now with a werewolf in the mix? No way. Adam was hard enough to understand, but now I can't deal with this. I can't" and with that Dean storms off. 

After a few seconds the sound of the Impala is heard. 

 "I'm sorry about all that, Dean is a bit" Sam pauses not knowing which adjective to use.

 "Like a dick?" Stiles chimes in with a grin on his face. 

"How about this? You tell me your story and if I believe you then we'll go get a beer somewhere and I'll make sure Dean comes" Sam says. 

"Yea sure okay, but I'm only eighteen. So beer is fine, but we might have to drink it here".

 And with that Stiles starts to retell what the Sheriff told him. Sam sits intently listening to Stiles' story.

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