Chapter 12

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"Are you sure this is right Dean?" Sam asks as they pull up to a sign with the devil on it.

 "Well there Kevin is so I'm pretty sure this it" Dean says as he jumps out of the car. 

"Kevin how are you?" Dean asks patting him on the back. 

"Awful. Are you sure you guys want to give Crowley the tablet? There must be a different way to do this" Kevin asks trying to reason with the brothers.

 "Kevin don't worry we have a plan" Sam says trying to comfort him.

 "Okay, just be careful okay?" and with that Kevin combines the two halves of the demon tablet.

 "Why a sign with the devil on it?" Dean asks as he grabs the tablet.

 "I lost a lot a things these couple of years, but definitely not my humor" Kevin replies. 

With that the Winchesters go back into the Impala and head to Stile's location. They eventually make it with about 15 minutes to spare. The boys park a few feet up the road where they see another car. The Winchesters went out of the car and go up to the other car. Inside is Scott and his friends. 

"Scott what are you doing?" Dean asks looking at Scott through the window.

 Scott, Lydia, Malia and Kira all get out of the car and stand in front of the boys.

 "We are here to help our friend" Scott responds.

 "Look you guys don't understand. Werewolves are one thing, but demons are a completely different ball field. They are ruthless and can only die from certain knifes and blades like this" Sam said referencing toward his knife. 

"Look I don't care. Stiles is in there and we are getting him back" Malia says looking Sam right in the eye. 

"Fine, but you follow our rules. Got it? If it's an ambush leave immediately" Dean explains. 

With that all six of them head to the warehouse. As they enter the building Scott and Kira go off with Sam as Lydia and Malia head with Dean to the left. 

"Babysitting are we?" Crowley asks stepping into the light. 

All six stop in there tracks with Sam and Dean standing ahead. 

"Where is he Crowley?" Sam asks trying to get to the point. 

"Calm down Moose you'll get your little bro back, but first do you have the tablet?" Crowley asks looking from Dean to Sam. 

"Right here" Dean says patting his jacket.

 Crowley then asks two fellow demons that were previously in the shadows to fetch Stiles. Eventually the two demons come out with Stiles held in between them. Even from a distance Dean could tell that Stiles is heavily injured as he could hardly stand upright. Scott went to go to him, but Crowley stops him in his tracks. 

"Not so fast wolfie. Sam here has to sign a contract saying that he will stop the trials" and with that Crowley unravels a huge contract. 

"You got to be kidding me" Kira says looking at the length of the list.

 "No dear demons don't tend to kid. We tend to be brutally honest. So Moose ready to sign?"

"We are reading this word to word first" Dean states as he grabs the beginning of it and begins reading.

A whole half hour later

"Are we done yet? I'm not getting any better over here" Stiles says looking at Dean.

 He wasn't wrong, every second they stand there Stiles is getting paler and paler.

 "Well?" Crowley asks holding his pen out.

 Sam grabs it and signs. 

"Goodie, so tablet please" Crowley says with his hand outstretched. As Dean is about to hand him the tablet he quickly gets out the demon handcuffs and snatches them on to Crowley's wrist. 

"What are you stupid? You know these won't work on me and now your brother will pay". 

Crowley snaps his fingers, but Stiles is still standing. 

"Demon handcuffs" Sam said.

 "Kill him now" Crowley commands his demons. 

The demon to Stiles' right grabs his blade and sticks it right through Stiles' back.

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