Chapter 6

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"Wow" was all Sam could say after Stiles was done retelling his story.

 "Look I'm not looking for sympathy or anything, I just thought you should know about me" Stiles says. 

"No, trust me I understand it's just been a little hard lately, no offense to you, but you couldn't have came at a worse time" Sam says with a look of sorrow. 

"What's going on? Maybe Scott and I can help" Stiles says secretly hoping that this was a chance to get to know the Winchesters better.

 "Yea sure if you can find a Knight of Hell for us that would be great" Sam says knowing that Stiles couldn't help even if he tried.

 "Knight of Hell? Wow okay your life is really messed up man" Stiles is about to go on when Sam starts having a coughing fit. 

"Woah dude are you okay?" Scott asks concerned that Sam coughed up some blood.

 "Yea no I'm good. It's just these stupid trials I'm doing" Sam says pondering on whether he should go on or not. 

"Yea, okay well it's pretty obvious you're busy with the whole Knight of Hell thing, so we will just get going" Stiles says while standing up, but soon realizes that he doesn't have his car.

 "So, um... big brother could I possibly get a ride back home? Considering I don't see your angel anywhere" Stiles says.

 "Yea sure I just got to call Dean and he can pick us up and drop you two off" and with that Sam heads to the other room and calls Dean up. 

"Hey Sam what's up? Did those two kids leave yet?"

 "Dean about that" Sam says trailing off. 

"Sam you better finish that statement. What's going on over there?" Dean asks. 

"Look Stiles and Scott need a ride back to their place, so I was thinking maybe you could drive them back?" Sam asks. 

"Why can't Cas just poof them back?" Dean asks starting to get angry.

 "Look that's not the point Dean, I think you should get to know this kid. He seems like a good guy and he already knows about all the supernatural stuff, so I figured we could start with a drive and go from there" Sam says trying to be helpful.

 "Fine I'll head back to the bunker now, but don't think I'm going to be all buddy buddy with the kid and his friend okay Sam?" and with that Dean hangs up the phone and turns back towards the bunker.

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