Chapter 13

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Malia rushes forward, but Dean holds her back. Sam jumps into action and kills the demon in one move. The other demon lets go of Stiles' lifeless body and attacks Sam from behind making him drop the demon knife. Scott noticing the seriousness of the situation runs forward grabs the knife and kills the demon. Malia gets out of Dean's grasp and rushes towards Stiles.

 "Stiles wake up, Stiles please don't leave me please". 

Everyone falls silent.

 "Oops" Crowley says smugly.

 Dean immediately pushes him against the wall. 

"You son of a bitch. Bring him back or I will kill you" Dean says revealing his blade. 

"Sorry squirrel, but that boy is gone and I don't play the resurrection game. You knew this was going to happen. Anyone who gets close to you two is instantly dead whether it's a week or a couple months. You two boys are poison". 

"What if I said you didn't have a choice? You are the one handcuffed" Dean says pushing Crowley harder because of his harsh accusations. 

"You'd have to take these puppies off and even then you know I'd just disappear". 

"Is there anything else we can do? What about your friend the angel?" Scott asks not looking away from Stiles. 

"Yea I can pray to him" and with that Dean and Sam put all their strength in praying towards Cas, but nothing happens.

 "Seriously Cas? You son of a bitch! I need you right now" Dean yells in disbelief and anger.

 Cas heard both Winchesters, but ignores their call due to Metatron not letting him leave the trials. 

"Looks like Daddy got tired of his kids constant whining" Crowley says with a smirk. 

"I can bring him back another way. If there maybe was a deal?". 

"What kind of deal?" Malia asks looking up from Stiles for the first time.

 "Oh nothing crazy. Just a soul for your precious boy to be back again. You'd get 10 good cushy years with him" Crowley says not loosing eye contact with Malia.

 With that Dean punches Crowley so hard he fell unconscious.

 "Dean what was that for? I was getting somewhere!" Malia asks looking at Dean with her sadness changing to anger.

 "Malia, Dean was right to do that. You'd go to hell" Scott intervenes. 


 "Trust me sweetheart that is not a good place" Dean says sadly.

 "He's right Mal, do you really think Stiles would want you to do that?" Lydia asks putting a hand on Malia's shoulder.

 "But" Malia falls short knowing that Stiles wouldn't want this. 

The room falls silent again as everyone looks at Stiles' lifeless body. Dean couldn't handle it. Trying to keep himself busy he grabs Crowley and puts him in the Impala's trunk. Scott follows him in pursuit. 

"Dean it's not your" Scott starts.

 "You know what kid? I know you're trying to be nice and everything, but just be honest. If I just kept acting cold towards the two of you none of this would've happened. Maybe I can still make a deal with Crowley about the tablet or maybe I could" Dean keeps going on and on about ideas to get Stiles back. 

"Dean you can't make a deal and you know that. For you to make a deal you would have to get the guy out of handcuffs and you know he would just disappear, most likely with the tablet in hand. If you guys are really going to close the gates of hell and Crowley is the last trial then I think Stiles would've understood that". 

Dean stands there speechless. Here is this kid who just lost his best friend and he learned more about sacrifice then him and Sam have ever learned. So Dean did something he usually tries to avoid. He hugs Scott as the others start to exit the building.

Two Days Later

The funeral is today. Sam and Dean are still wrestling with going or not. They still got nothing from Cas, not even an apology. They keep Crowley in the bunker's dungeon and haven't touched him since. 

"Dean we've got to go" Sam says already grabbing the keys.

 "It's going to be hard Sammy. It's all our fault" Dean says, but he still reluctantly gets up. 

The day still goes in Dean's head like a constant movie. After the awkward hug between Scott and Dean the rest of the group came out. Lydia called the police and Kira advised the boys to get a move on. The girls were harsh with the Winchesters, but Scott tried to be understanding. 

Dean snapped back into reality as they reach the cemetery. It is full of teenagers and adults. As Dean and Sam get out the car they know they shouldn't go any closer. As they watch Stiles' coffin go into the ground they both shed a tear.

 After the service Scott notices the boys and heads over.

 "I didn't think you guys were going to show" Scott says as he shakes hands with both boys. 

"We wouldn't have missed it. How is everyone?" Sam asks looking over to Stiles' 'dad'. 

"Mr.Stilinski is in utter despair. After losing his wife he couldn't imagine anything worse, but then this happened" Scott says looking in the Sheriff's direction. 

Malia noticed Scott and the boys talking and heads over. She immediately slaps Dean. 

"This is all your fault! You know that? I bet that demon was right huh? Is it true Dean that everyone you touch dies? How many have to die until you get it through your thick skull that you're just a jackass? Well not anymore. Get away now before I kill you myself" Malia says running away with tears rushing down her face.

 "It's great that you guys came, but I think you should go" Scott says scratching his head.

 With that the Winchesters go into the Impala and drive off. Scott falls apart then. He falls to his knees and cries. His main concern was always watching Stiles. It's true that Stiles was taken because of the Winchesters, but Scott is still a factor. Maybe if he wasn't unconscious after the accident he could've fought off the demons. He would never know the real answer.

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