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The second the Winchesters come home from the funeral Dean heads to the dungeon. He keeps punching, kicking and hitting Crowley like he is his own personal punch bag. After a whole hour of Dean huffing and puffing Sam heads down and grabs Dean away from Crowley. Crowley is lying on the floor bleeding from basically everywhere.

 "Hey I was getting somewhere" Dean says shoving Sam off of him. 

"Dean he's literally the last trial. Don't you think he should stay in one piece?" Sam asks trying to calm Dean down. 

"But Sam you know what he did" Dean says looking up at his brother. 

"I know Dean, but we still need Crowley no matter how much I hate to admit it. After the trials we'll kill him" Sam says. 

"Fine, but we have to finish it now. Having him here just doesn't seem right" Dean says.

 "Okay let's do this" and with that Sam and Dean grab Crowley's unconscious and bloody body and put it into the trunk of the Impala.

An hour later

Dean was heading from the barn to the Impala to grab some supplies. He turns around and Cas is right in front of him. 

"Damn it Cas you scared the crap out of me. Why the hell are you here?" Dean asks. 

He still didn't forgive Cas for not coming to Stiles' aid. 

"I need your help" Cas says looking intently at Dean. Dean laughs. 

"You? Want my help? You do realize what happened to Stiles right? I prayed to you with everything I had Cas. I needed you" Dean says emphasizing on the last sentence. 

"You should go with him" Sam says approaching from the barn.

 "Sammy are you serious? Do you not remember two days ago?" Dean asks astonished at his brother. 

"Dean I really do need your help. I'm doing the trials to close Heaven".

 "Wait what? Why?" Dean asks looking at Cas with a new curiosity growing.

 "Metatron and I thought it was a good idea to get all the angels together, so that we can finally reunite" Cas explains. 

"Metatron? Since when have you two been talking?" Dean asks.

 "Look Dean just go with Cas, I got this" Sam says looking back at the barn where Crowley is inside.

 "Fine, but this doesn't mean I forgive you" and with that Dean and Cas disappear.

2 hours later

Sam administers another vial of blood into Crowley. Before he has no reaction, but Sam could tell this time was different. 

"I'm" Crowley starts trying to say the word he usually regrets saying. 

"I'm sorry Sam, about your brother" Crowley stammers out. 

"You what?" Sam asks quickly turning around.

 "I know I shouldn't have done it, I just am a bad man and that's why no one loves me. Don't I deserve love?" Crowley asks as more of a rhetorical question. Sam just stares in wonder as Crowley goes on about all his wrong doing.

Big time skip, Cas and Hannah are 'in charge of Heaven' now (sorry for the huge time skip. I didn't want to just write the next few episodes word from word with the occasional Stiles mention)

Cas has been visiting the Winchesters from time to time to regain their trust. He messed up big time with trusting Metatron and he just wants Dean to accept him again. Sam has been talking to Cas a lot more lately, but Dean is still a little cold towards him. As Cas enters the bunker he sees the boys at the dining table. 

"Hello" Cas says doing a small wave and sitting down.

 "So what have you been doing lately Cas?" Sam asks trying to spark conversation.

 "Nothing much. I've been trying to reach out to angels and alert them that they can come back home again" Cas explains. 

"So you're the big kahuna now?" Dean asks.

Cas and Sam are shocked. Dean tries to make as little small talk with Cas as possible.

 "I wouldn't say that, it's more of a democracy if anything" Cas says. 

"Cas don't be so modest. I know you're the big guy up there and I have a favor to ask" Dean says looking at Cas in all seriousness.

 "Dean I know what you're thinking, but I don't know. The angels don't like me helping you two all the time" Cas says with a sigh. 

"All the time? Cas I can name an occasion where you weren't there and it was a pretty big event. So about that favor?"

Later that night

Lydia, Kira and Malia are all hanging out with Scott at his house. Scott tries his best to keep the group together especially because everyone is still so hurt over Stiles' death. Tonight they are watching The Office. They always tend to watch the funnier shows because they definitely weren't having a lot of fun in there lives for the past few months. Scott's front doorbell goes off. 

"Didn't we just order that pizza? That is some fast service" Malia says in shock.

Scott gets up and grabs his wallet. When he opens the door he doesn't see the pizza man. 


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