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When Scott wakes up he gets right out of bed. Today is the day that he is going to see the Winchesters. They made a plan to always meet at least once a month just to check up on each other. Scott quickly gets ready and heads outside. There it is. The beloved jeep with an amazing driver. He gets into the passenger seat and just smiles. 

"So Stiles how are you?" Scott asks with a smile on his face. Over the past month that Stiles has been back Scott has been completely happy and always let Stiles pick the activity. 

"Scott you know I'm good" Stiles says with a chuckle. He loves that Scott was cheery whenever he was around, but he just wants everything to get back to normal. 

Stiles couldn't remember his time in Heaven, but he definitely knew something weird happened. Maybe he'll never find out what happened, but Stiles couldn't shake the fact that something was off. He shakes this idea off when he drives into the diner's parking lot. The Impala is already there so Scott and Stiles head inside. They see the Winchesters quickly and sit down, Scott with Sam and Stiles with Dean. 

"So kid how the hell are ya?" Dean asks looking at Stiles worryingly.

 "I'm fine! Jeez everyone asks me this" Stiles says throwing his hands up. 

"Well you were dead for awhile" Sam says with a chuckle.

 "Yea about that, I don't remember what happened up there, but I think something bad happened" Stiles says scratching his head. 

"Well there was the whole Heaven being closed thing and then Metatron ruling and lastly Cas taking back the reins, so there may have been a shift" Sam explaind. 

"Yea a shift. That's what I felt" Stiles says. He knows that wasn't it, but he just didn't want to get into details. His life is finally back on track. Who knows? Maybe it was the whole being dead thing that made it all weird. 

As the three continued talking Stiles sits there in deep thought. He snaps back when Sam asks about Malia. 

"She's good. She says hi by the way and she says sorry for the five star at my funeral" Stiles says with a chuckle. 

The boys continue there dinner and then say there goodbyes outside.

 "Until next month Stiles" Sam says patting Stiles on the back and getting into the Impala.

 "Hey you okay?" Dean asks when Scott wasn't paying attention. 

"Dean we've been over this" Stiles says with a sigh.

 "I know it's just you didn't seem so sure. Trust me I know what lying looks like because I do it so often". 

"Dean trust me I'm completely fine! See perfect health" and with that Stiles does a twirl. 

"Okay kid, keep the ballet for your private life" Dean says as Stiles chuckles.

 Stiles and Scott head into the jeep and drive away. Stiles drops Scott off and parks the jeep in his driveway. He goes into the bathroom and splashes cold water on his face. He then looks at himself in the mirror. He starts to shake a little and he starts to grip the sink. Stiles looks down at his hands to see the sink bending a bit to his control. When he looks back up his eyes are no longer light brown. They are blue.

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