Chapter 11

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Stiles wakes up and immediately grabs his head. He has an awful headache and when he looks at his hands he sees blood. As Stiles starts to piece together what happened he realizes he wasn't where he should be. As he gets up from the floor he looks around the room. It is pretty plain, with all gray walls, no furniture and a small door in the corner. 

"God where I am I?" Stiles asks to himself. 

"Good question. You are currently in an abandoned factory about 10 miles away from Beacon Hills" a man with a British accent says while entering the room. 

"Wait I know you. You're Crowley" Stiles says slowly backing away from him. 

"Wow you're a quick one. It would've taken squirrel at least half an hour" Crowley says with a laugh. 

"Why am I here?" Stiles asks. 

"Isn't it obvious? You were with the Winchesters during the Sarah Blake thing weren't you? I'm going to use you as ransom in order to get what I want" Crowley says looking at Stiles.

 "I don't think that's going to work. I mean they haven't really known me for to long" Stiles says trying to get an edge on Crowley. 

"That is where you are wrong. No matter how long the Winchesters have known you, if you are family they will come for you. That's their Achilles heel I'm afraid".

 And with that Crowley gets his phone and calls Sam up. 

"Moose I have another person for you to save". 

"Crowley let Stiles go. He isn't part of this" Sam demands.

 "Moose, moose, moose this is simply business and if he has the Winchester name then he will always be apart of this" Crowley explains. 

"Fine what do you want?" Sam asks.

 "You know what I want. If you bring it to the abandoned warehouse 10 miles from town, I'll give you the kid. Seem like a fair trade?"

"How do I know you haven't killed Stiles yet and this is all a trap?" Sam asks trying to be skeptical, but hoping this wasn't the case. 

"You want to know that he's still living?" and with that he puts the phone near Stiles and beat him senseless. Stiles screams out in pain. 

"There is your proof Moose. You have 2 hours before I kill the kid" and with that Crowley ends the call.


"Dean what do we do?" Sam asks looking desperately at his brother for some answer.

 "We'll get the tablet from Kevin and then go get Stiles" Dean says turning away from Beacon Hills.

 "But what about Scott and his friends?" Sam asks. 

"Look Sam now is not the time. We know where Stiles is and we know what Crowley wants. If you want just call Scott and tell him what's going on, but we can't stop to think about this" and with that the two men fall silent.

 Sam eventually picks his phone up and calls Scott.

 "Hey we can't come get you right now. There has been a change in plans" Sam starts to explain. "What's going on? Do you know where Stiles is?" Scott asks with concern in his voice. 

"Yea Scott he's about 10 miles out from town. Crowley has him". 

"Damn it. Well do you need any help?" Scott asks hoping that he can help his friend. 

"I think we got it. It's a simple swap with Stiles and the tablet and then we will bring him back to you and your friends. Sound good?" Sam asks Scott.

 Scott fell silent for a few moments, but then said "okay. Just please keep me posted. He's my best friend". 

Sam soon ends the phone call and him and Dean drive towards Kevin and the tablet.

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