Chapter 4

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"I can't find them anywhere. It's impossible" Stiles says almost giving up on his cause. 

"Look in their line of work it's pretty easy to understand why you can't contact them. Is there any other possible way to contact them?" Scott asks.

 "I have one theory, but I don't know if it will work". 

"Well, what is it?". 

"Okay well the series kind of leaves off with the angel Castiel right? Well what if I could contact him through prayer or something. I don't know if it would work, but it's the best I got right now" and with that Stiles kneeled down by his bed and began his prayer.

"Dear Castiel, I don't know if this praying thing actually works, but I'm trying it out. My father is John Winchester and I want to meet my half brothers. If you could show a sign like I don't know lasers or something so I know you can hear me that would be great. Get back to me when you can I guess. Thanks" and with that Stiles gets up. 

"Well I don't see any lasers so I don't know if that worked" Scott says trying to hide in his laughter. 

"Oh shut up. We don't know what angels can and can't do. I just need some....." Stiles is quickly cut off by a sudden man in a trench coat appearing into the room. 

"You were praying to me. Sorry I could not perform a laser show" Cas says as he looks worryingly from Stiles to Scott. 

"My message about the Winchesters. You do know them right?" Stiles asks. 

"Yes and I can bring you to them if you want" Cas says.

"Only me? What about Scott?" Stiles then motions toward Scott.

 "I guess he can come, but he does not pertain to your situation with the Winchesters" and with that Cas reaches towards both boys and they quickly disappear from Stiles' secluded bedroom and into the bunker. 

 "Dean? Sam? Are you here?" Cas asks scoping around the bunker desperately looking for the brothers. 

"They must be out. They will come back soon. Probably just went for a beer run. Unfortunately I can not stay, I have to deal with Heaven" and with that Cas disappears. 

"Should we actually be trusting him? What if this is not anywhere near where they actually live?" Scott asks while checking the place out.

 "Look I don't know what just happened, but we just traveled by angel. Now that is cool and we get to hang out in this awesome bunker. I'm sure this place has tons of secrets" and with that Stiles excitedly inspects the bunker for hidden traps or doors. 

"Wait, Stiles do you hear that?Someone's at the door. What should we do?". 

"I don't know Scott. Hide and yell surprise when they get in. We are just going to sit right here and talk to them" and with that Stiles sits at the dining table.

Stiles WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now