Chapter 9

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"Hey Stiles, so how was it?" Malia asks Stiles in the hallway.

 It was Monday morning at school and Stiles could hardly think straight. 

"It was scary, then cool, then scary again and lastly awesome" Stiles says smiling. 

"Do you think you'll see them again?" Malia asks wondering if maybe she could see the famous Winchesters Stiles has been talking about ever since his meeting.

 "Unless something bad happens, I don't think so. Their lives are pretty hectic, so I wouldn't want to bother them" Stiles replies. 

"Well, I got to get going. If I'm late to class one more time" Malia says worryingly looking at her phone. 

"Yea, yea I know. I'll see you later" with that Stiles kisses Malia and heads to his class.


"Sir I found out who the voice was" says the demon as she enters Crowley's office.

 "I thought we agreed to knock first, but I guess I'll let it slide. Who is he?" Crowley asks with anticipation. 

"His name is Stiles Stilinski. Or should I say Stiles Winchester" the demon says with a smile knowing she found the Winchesters vulnerability.

 "Winchester huh? Oh this is perfect. I'll take the boy, call the Winchesters and get that demon tablet in no time. Then once I get the tablet I'll kill the boy for good measure" Crowley says with a smile forming on his face. 

"This is why no one deals with the King of Hell. No one. Now tell me, where does this Stiles live?"

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