Chapter 10

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Beacon Hills High School has just ended for the weekend and Stiles and his friends couldn't have been happier. Stiles' jeep is finally fixed, so he agreed to drive everyone out to dinner. 

"Okay guys, so where do you want to eat?" Stiles asks getting into the jeep. 

"I don't know there is a cute diner a few miles out" Lydia says getting into the back with Kira and Malia. 

As Stiles begins to drive conversation slipped away from him.  He sits quietly trying to focus on the road.  

"Stiles look out!" Scott says as Stiles swerves and the jeep falls into a ditch. 

In the middle of the road two cars are blocking his path both full of demons. Crowley steps out of the car and heads towards the wreckage. Everyone in the jeep was unconscious with Stiles bleeding by his forehead. 

 "Now I'm guessing this one is Stiles" Crowley says holding up Stiles head to see his face.

 "Yes sir that's him" a fellow demon responds. 

"Goodie. Now go put him in the car" and with that Crowley heads back to the sleek black car. 

"And the others sir?". 

"Just leave them. Someone will find them eventually" Crowley says. 

Two demons open the door and pick up Stiles and bump his head on the door. They lay him in the backseat and then get into the front and start to drive.

1 hour later

"Scott wake up" Kira says trying to shake Scott from the backseat. 

"Huh, what? What happened?" Scott asks rubbing his head.

 "We crashed and fell into a ditch and then hit that tree" Lydia says pointing at the tree right in front of them. 

"Guys where's Stiles" Malia says worryingly.

 "Oh god" Scott says looking at the blood on the seat and the driver's door was wide open.  

"Scott do you think this was intentional?" Malia asks. 

"I'm going to call the Winchesters just in case.  I have a feeling this has to do with them some how" Scott says grabbing his phone.

 Luckily yesterday Scott asked Stiles to put Dean and Sam's number in. Stiles thought it wasn't  necessary, but did it anyway. 

"Hey Dean? I think Stiles is in trouble" Scott starts.

 "Okay where are you?"

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