Chapter 8

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Dean quickly throws the phone to the ground smashing it into pieces and revealing the hex bag. Stiles quickly destroys the hex bag right in time. Sarah starts to regain her breathing as Sam helps her up.

 "Well that was a close one huh?" Stiles says. 

"Yea super close" Dean replies. 

The boys then say their goodbyes to Sarah and head out to the Impala. Dean drives to a gas station and buys a box of beer. The boys then drive a few miles longer and stop at a field. They all get out and Dean tosses a beer to Stiles and Scott.

 Soon enough Sam starts a conversation with Scott about him being an alpha. This leaves Dean and Stiles standing awkwardly next to each other. 

"Hey kid you did good today. I would never thought to look in the phone. How'd you know it was there?" Dean asks curious on how Stiles' could've done it.

 "Honestly, I just winged it. I thought to myself where would I put it? That limited the list a bit, but I didn't really think it was the phone until Crowley called on that phone. If it wasn't in the phone wouldn't he just call your's or Sam's cell?" Stiles asks trying to explain his logic.

 "Smart kid. Sounds like you've done this kind of stuff before huh" Dean replies shocked at Stiles' thinking.

 "Yea, Scott and I get into a lot of trouble with the whole he's a true alpha thing". 

"Well it's good you stick by him" Dean replies proud that Stiles doesn't run away from Scott like he's done with Sam. 

"I'd do anything for the guy. He's my best friend I'd trust him with my life" Stiles replies looking at Scott talking with Sam.

 "That's good. I used to have a friend like Scott". 

"What was his name?" Stiles asks curiously. 

"His name was Benny. Was a vamp who saved my life more than a few times in Purgatory" Dean replies with a glimpse in his eye as he thinks back to Benny. 

"If I'm not overstepping, what happened to him?". 

"I killed him in order to get Sam back. It was the only way. Sam was stuck in Purgatory and if Benny was killed he would go right down there with him. So I killed him and he went down and got Sammy to the portal back up to Earth. Benny could've went with him, but he decided to stay and fight off some leviathans as Sam left" Dean says sadly.

 "Wow, I'm sorry to hear that Dean. I lost a friend too" Stiles says thinking of Allison.

 "Okay, well this isn't a chick flick so how about we get you two home before you miss any school" Dean says heading to the car.

 "Oh come on I rather be with you two then boring school" Stiles says grumply, but still goes in the back of the car. 

"You two don't have a lot of time left, so enjoy it. Trust me you'll miss it" Sam says in the passenger seat. 

Dean looks at him wondering if Sam meant more to that statement then he let on. The boys drive and follow Stiles' directions all the way to the house with the jeep in front of it. 

"I'm guessing that piece of junk is yours?" Dean asks all smug. 

"It sure is. Not all of us can have an awesome bat mobile" and with that Stiles and Scott exit the car.  

"Well kid, it turns out that you're not to bad, so if you or your buddy ever need anything" Dean begins, but Stiles quickly cuts him off. "Yea, yea, yea. I got your number if anything bad happens, but don't worry I'm sure Scott and me will be just fine".

 "Just be safe you two. Okay?" Sam asks looking out his window. 

"Don't worry I'll make sure he doesn't get into any trouble" Scott says and then the Winchesters leave.

 "Well that was different" Stiles laughs and heads into his house with Scott trailing behind him.


"Damn it" Crowley says closing his phone. 

"What is it sir?" a fellow demon asks. 

"The Winchesters found the hex bag" Crowley says angrily. 

"How sir? I made sure to put it somewhere they never would've expected" the demon says sweating a little knowing that Crowley was angry at her. 

"I don't know an unfamiliar voice said the phone and then the connection cut".

 "I don't know who would be with the Winchesters sir. They normally just work alone or with Castiel" the demon says trying to evaluate the conversation and calm Crowley down. 

"You go find out who the Winchesters have been hanging out with and maybe I won't kill you" and with that Crowley leaves the room planning his next move.

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