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I freaking loved Ellie! She was a genius hooking me up with Ash. I know that she had been worried since Trent left me. Asshole. Anyway it really had been for the best. I'm really not sure why I stayed with him so long. He never accepted that I worked in porn, although he accepted the money I made just fine. Like I said he was an asshole. Because of him I had this huge house I didn't need and it was lonely. Miller helped but really we didn't need all this space. Ash kind of crashed into my life and woke me the hell up. He wasn't loud or messy by any means. He was actually really the best house guest a guy could ask for. He kept all his shit in his room. He cleaned up after himself. He would ask me if I needed anything when he got up and went to the kitchen and just stuff like that. Even if he had totally tore my house up I don't think I would have cared. He just filled up my empty house with laughter and I loved it.

"Max do you have any laundry you need done," Ash yelled from down the hall.

"Yeah but you don't have to do my laundry man," I said to him as he came into my room.

"I know but I have to do mine anyway so why not do yours too," he said with a shrug.

"I guess when you put it that way," I said gathering my clothes. I put them in a basket and started walking towards the laundry room.

"After you get a load started why don't you come with me to the studio and work out," I suggested. I know he didn't like all the clean eating I did and the exercise but even in the few weeks he had lived with me I could see a subtle change in his body. His muscles were starting to become more defined and his skin had a healthy glow. The boy had been hot before and now he was just, damn!

"Sure. Maybe we will see Elliot," Ash said stuffing darks in the machine.

"Probably. She usually works most days." I packed my gym bag and grabbed a few things for Miller. I was lucky that Rex loved animals as much as I did and didn't care if I brought Miller to the studio. Ash met me out at the car and it only took fifteen minutes to get there. That was one perk about that big ole house. As we walked into the gym I noticed several guys I knew and a few new ones I didn't. That wasn't too unusual.

"Hey Creed, where the hell have you been man," Asa shouted from across the room. Asa had been with R&R for about as long as I had. He was a bear of guy with a full beard. He was dressed in black shorts and nothing else. Asa prided himself on his muscles and I agreed he had a body to be proud of.

"Asa I'm always around. It's you that ran off to that other studio to bang all those twinks," I said giving him a hug.

"Well someone had to do it," Asa said laughing.

"Asa , Ash, Ash, Asa," I said introducing them.

"Hey man nice to meet you," Asa said giving Ash a hug.

"Asa is a hugger," I told Ash.

"I'm good with that," Ash said.

"I heard you finally got your degree. Now you can help all us assholes stay in shape," Asa said.

"Yep. I'm starting with this ass..ommmph," I grabbed my stomach where Ash hit me. "What the hell Ash," I yelled.

"You were going to call me an asshole, asshole," Ash growled. Fuck, he was cute when he got mad.

"It's a term of endearment," I said grabbing him in a headlock, though that was hard to do since he was taller than me.

"Now get your fine ass on that treadmill to warm up," I instructed hopping on my own.  I tried not to grin as he stuffed the earbuds to his iPod in his ears and flipped me off.  So my boy had a sassy side, I totally could get down with that.

"In the next five minutes you should be up to a fast walk," I instructed Ash.  I did laugh this time as he stuck his tongue out at me but he did start a slow jog.  I was really going to have to get Ellie a gift basket or something.  Or maybe Rex since he had the good sense to hire him.  I just knew my life was changing for the better having Ash around.

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