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I apologize for being MIA. My life has been a little crazy lately. I was hit with a bit of inspiration but please forgive any mistakes or typos. I'm severely under the weather and I hope this even makes sense. Happy early Thanksgiving to you all!

Lots of love,



It was Rough Rider’s night at Glimmer and the place was packed.  

I squeezed my way through gyrating bodies trying to find Ash or Max.  I had spotted them earlier over by the bar, but now I had no idea where they were.  Stopping for a moment I took a few photos of Kai and Mia dancing with some of the people in the club.  Several of the R&R guys and gals were hopping around the club serving drinks, taking photos with fans, or just dancing.  Rough Rider night was always a great time.

“Paging Elliot Rivers Carroway, paging Elliot Rivers Carroway!”

I looked up towards the stage to find my dads.  What were they up to?  As I got closer to the stage they started waving me forward.  Something had them excited.

“We were hoping that this wonderful crowd could help us raise a little money for the Riley House.”

“What does this wonderful crowd have to do, Pop?” I asked curiously.

“For a dollar they can either get a kiss from your dad or from you!”

“Really…” sounded interesting and not something my boyfriends were going to like.

“AND whoever generates the most money gets to giveaway a gift to one of these lovely people here tonight.”

“Sounds fun Pop.  Do you think Dad can handle it?” I taunted.

“What was it that our loving daughter was saying the other day Nate?”

“I think she was talking about how you were too old to be considered hot my love.”

The crowd booed and I rolled my eyes at my lying dads.  Rex Rider at 90 was still going to be a handsome man.  Same with my Pop.  What a way to get this crowd on their side.

“Yes, dad.  It’s a good thing you quit porn when you did.  What with those saggy balls and all.” I stuck my tongue out at them.

“See what we put up with.” My dad said addressing the massive crowd.

“Don’t believe a word of what he is saying.  Now where are my ladies at!  We can’t let him win.  Step up!  Step up!”

Of course the first two in my line were my men.  They didn't look happy about my current situation. So the shoe is on the other foot or as the saying goes.  They looked hot jealous and pouty.

“Don’t hold me up boys.  I have a contest to win,” I said with a wink.  “Hand your dollar to Mia, give me a quick peck on the lips, and move aside.”

“Damn!  Our girl’s cold,” Ash pouted.

“Do as she says Ash,” Max said handing his money to Mia and giving me a quick kiss on the lips.  Ash followed suit but he wasn’t happy about it.  I got a three way kiss from the Twinkies and Travis. Jared and Jensen each took a cheek and Travis kissed my forehead. They probably went they route since Max and Ash both stood behind me growling. Max still wasn't thrilled with Travis and his lil mama nickname for me. Ash tried calling me that and it didn't go over well.  It just didn't sound right coming from Ash.

Have you ever worked a kissing booth at a fair?  Then you know what I’m going through right now.  It isn’t as fun as you would think it would be.  Chapped lips, wet lips, fish lips, bad breath, and the occasional slip of the tongue.  I kept chanting in my head that it was all for a good cause.

“Your time is up!”

Thank fuck!

“First I would like to thank everyone for supporting Riley House and donating more than a dollar per kiss.  This was a tight win at $551 to $549.  The winner is Rex Rider!”

“I want a recount old man,” I teased.

“No way baby.  I won this fair and square.  Now we will be doing a drawing before the night is over and the winner of that drawing will get to pick from a bundle of Rough Riders greatest hits or a photo session with my very talented daughter.  Our Rough Riders are around to take pictures, serve you drinks, or dance with.  Please spend a lot of money and enjoy the rest of your evening.”

I hugged first my dad and then my Pop.  “I will forgive you for lying.”

“You know it was for fun and a great cause.”

“That is the only reason I’m not having a fit.  Now I have to go soothe my boyfriends.  Try not to break a hip oldtimers,” I said starting to turn away.

“Who do we blame for her sassy behavior?” I heard my dad say.

“Oh I have no idea,” Pop said sarcastically.


It was a toss up between the two for who I got the sass from .

“You done kissing everyone in here?” Ash asked with a pouty face. He was too freaking cute.




I smiled at the twin reactions from Ash and Max.  I crooked my finger at them both and my smile grew as they crowded me against the wall.

“You have someone else you want to kiss Ellie?” Ash growled.  Was it wrong that I liked it when he got a little jelly?

I shook my head up and down and captured Ash’s lips with mine.  Pulling back from his kissable lips Max’s equally kissable lips were waiting.  Now their lips were perfect.  I didn’t think I would ever get tired of kissing them.

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