Bonus Chapter: Travis and his Twinkies

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A/N:                      MATURE CONTENT!!!!! Between three men

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A/N:                      MATURE CONTENT!!!!! Between three men.  You have been warned.

Above picture is kind of how I picture the Twinkies and Travis.  The Twinkies to the left I think are singers from Ireland(?)  Just imagine one of them as Jared all tatted up with piercings.  I don't usually get into adding pictures but this was kind of fun!  Travis (to the right) in my mind is probably a little taller, has pretty features, and longish hair.  He likes to wear it in a messy top knot.  He's a musician, he's artsy I guess! (lol) I'm not sure I can imagine the above guy saying "Lil Mama" but I think he's pretty cute.  Not sure who he is, just found him while browsing Google images.

I hope everyone is enjoying Off Limits as much as I am enjoying writing it.  Thank you for reading and for the votes.  Drop me a comment, I would love to hear what you think about the story, Ellie, Max, Ash, or even the Twinkies and their man.  I don't bite, unless you're made of chocolate!


After Ellie cleared the room I found myself wrapped up in my two boys. Jensen jumped in my arms securing his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. I felt Jared's chest hit my back and his hands slid along my sides until they rested along my stomach.

I had missed my boys like crazy these past three months. I felt like I could finally breathe properly now that I had them squeezing the oxygen out of me.

"We missed you like crazy," Jensen said looking on the verge of tears. He buried his face in my neck.

"I missed you both more."

He reared back with an incredulous look on his face, "Don't argue with me Travis Granger. We missed you the most," Jensen huffed. He looked so cute when he got huffy. He came in for a kiss and against my lips he said, "Let's never be apart again." He punctuated each word with nip of his teeth to my bottom lip.

"Ow babe," I complained softly. It didn't really hurt just stung a little.

"Punishment for making me miss you," he said before soothing the hurt with a lick of his tongue.

"I promise that we won't be apart that long again." Three months had been fucking torture. We had never been apart that long before, not since they had came to live with my family when they were thirteen. I found out these past months that I didn't want to live without my boys.

"I didn't think Jen was going to survive, babe," Jared said teasing his brother. Jensen was my sensitive soul. He needed to be touched and reassured. Jared could only do so much. I was really proud of Jensen for sticking to healthy ways of coping with his stress and anxiety. Even though he admitted once to wanting to fall back on cutting he didn't want to go down that road again.

"You weren't much better, jerk," Jensen fired back. Jared wasn't as sensitive as Jensen but he had also confessed to me one time that he liked that he could rely and count on me. He was glad that he had me to help him love Jensen and that we wasn't the only one responsible for him anymore. My boys sometimes broke my heart, but I would never let them go.

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