Elliot & Max

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I turned over and stared up into Max's clear blue eyes. I knew this was a terrible idea but God help me I wanted one moment with Max and if this was it I was going to take it.


I knew this was a terrible idea but Elliot's skin felt good and I missed being close to someone. Having sex on camera was my job. My hand found her pussy and I liked that she wasn't bald. I spread her lips and slid two finger into the wetness. Elliot let out a moan. She was tight.

"Can I kiss you?" I whispered against Elliot's lips. Elliot nodded her head. She did whimper when my lips met hers. Fuck I thought as I sank my tongue into Elliot's mouth. How did she not have morning breath was my first thought and my second was that my cock was completely hard. Elliot wrapped her hands around my face and slid her tongue against mine. I rubbed my thumb against her clitoris and slid my fingers in and out of her. Elliot gasped against my mouth as I removed my fingers completely and pushed them back in.

"More," Elliot breathed. I added a third finger while rubbing her nub harder. Elliot grabbed the bed and let out a strangled scream. I could feel Elliot tightening around my fingers as she came apart in my arms. I gave her another lingering kiss before pulling away. 

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