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After dropping Max off at the weight room I escorted the super hot doublemint twins to the area Ellie used as a photo studio.

"Wow this whole place is amazing and to think this is just the office space," Jensen said in awe.

"You will soon find out that Rough Riders is pretty cool. Ellie should be here soon," I say.

"Does this music equipment actually work or is it just props," Jared asked grabbing an acoustic guitar.

"All works as far as I know," I say with a shrug.

"Jensen get your ass over here."

I watched as Jensen wandered over to his brother and sat down at the keyboard.

"Do you play?" Jared asked me swinging the guitar in my direction.

"Yeah," I said taking it from him. He went and say behind the drums. Jensen started playing a song I had to laugh a little at. I just happened to know most of this band's songs. Jared jumped in with drums and I found the beat on the guitar.

When Jensen started signing I almost stopped playing. That boy had a voice!

"Summerhas come and passed
Theinnocent can never last
Wakeme up when September ends
Likemy father's come to pass
Sevenyears has gone so fast
Wakeme up when September ends"

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