Max (and a Big Thank You!)

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A/N-I just wanted to give a big thank you to everyone that has been reading Off Limits!  I about squealed out loud at work when I saw it had hit 1,000 views.  For me that is amazing.  I appreciate any feedback, positive or negative (just keep it constructive please).  I do have feelings.  I am going to try and post more frequently, but thanks again for sticking with me.



I sat at the kitchen table and watched Ellie at the stove. She was smiling at something one of the twins said. I couldn't tell if it was Jared or Jensen, not that they weren't decipherable, I just hadn't learned which one was which yet.

"Come and get it guys," Ellie yelled setting the food down on the table, "I made you a egg white omelet babe." I smiled at her. She really was the best.

"What is on your agenda today?" I ask.

"I have a photo shoot with these sexy twins and Ash today. I'm editing the photos I did with Cain and Brady. Hot, hot, hot!" she says fanning herself.

"I'll drop Ash off a little later. I have some work to do in the gym. Your dad offered me a trainer job."

"That's great babe. Whip these boys into the best shape they have ever been in," Ellie kisses my cheek and heads for her bedroom.

"You guys need a ride to the office," I ask the twins.

"That would be great," Jared says, "I'm Jared by the way. Just think of me as the tatted up bad boy. My brother is the clean cut nerd."

"Thanks bro. I don't mind being a nerd," Jensen says with a grin.

"I know."

"Man you two are going to be trouble," I say shaking my head. They just grinned at me and ate their food.

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