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I fiddled with the camera and sat back in the chair when I was satisfied that it was in the position I wanted it in. I had a couple interview and photo shoot with Cain and Brady in 10 minutes. Taking a sip from my coffee mug I let my mind wander to what happened in my bed earlier this morning. My breathing grew ragged just thinking about having Max and Ash pressed against me and I was starting to feel the warm tingling feeling in my low belly thinking about Max's fingers massaging my clit.

"Fuck," I groaned letting my head fall back onto the headrest. How was I supposed to just go back to being normal friends with him after having one of the best orgasms of my life?

"Hey Ellie! Are you ready for us," Cain greeted leading Brady in by his hand.

"Absolutely! I'm so glad to see you guys," I said standing up and giving each guy a hug, "I was really excited to see you guys on the schedule."

"Your dad thought it would be good for us to do a couple thing since so many people ask about us on the different media sites," Brady said sitting on the couch getting comfortable.

"It must just be awful having so many fans," I teased.

"Pretty awful," Cain agreed grinning.

"Basically I have a few questions and then I have some questions from your fans. Sound good?"

"Yeah sounds great," they both agreed.

I pushed the record button and signaled that they were recording.

"Hey Rough Riders I'm sitting down today with two of our signature models who just happen to be boyfriends! Introduce yourselves you sexy boys," I said.

"I'm Cain Hillman and this handsome devil is my better half Brady Jordan," Cain said with a wave.

"Hey Rough Riders. We are so excited to sit down with you today and answer some of your questions! We love all of our loyal Riders!" Brady said excitedly.

"How did you two meet?"

Cain looked at Brady to answer, "Well we just had our third year anniversary and we actually met through porn."

"Congrats guys! I hope you did something fun and romantic," I said knowing that they went away for the weekend to one of Dad and Pop's time shares in Mexico.

"Yeah we spent some time away together. It was great," Cain said.

"How long have you been with Rough Riders? How do you like it?"

"Brady and I came to Rough Riders together. We were kind of a package deal. This is I think our six, seventh month," Cain said looking at me for confirmation.

I nod my head yes to confirm.

"Before coming here we worked for a few different studios and we both started in some questionable outfits but we have found our home here. R&R is very family oriented and you guys treat your models awesome," Brady praised.

"The studio wouldn't be here with the models," I stated, "I'm glad you guys like it here."

"Fangirl13 asks do you ever feel jealous?"

Brady took Cain's hand and looked at him as he answered, "Of course! It's only natural to feel jealousy sometimes but it helps that we both work in this business. We both understand that when we are doing a scene it's work. Yeah you are having sex and it's enjoyable but when you have someone you love waiting for you at home it's just a job."

"We wouldn't still be doing this if we didn't enjoy it but it's like what Brady said we both know that we love each other and what we feel during a scene is just fucking. You don't having any feelings other than wow the guy you are with right now is hot and he makes your dick feel good. When Brady and I are together we are just on a whole different level."

"Boycrush wants to know if you would ever do a scene together with the delectable Ethan Lowe?"

"We decided long ago that we wouldn't bring anyone else into our bed," Cain said, "So sorry Boycrush we don't do threesomes. Separately we do threesomes but not as a couple. Individually we would love to work with Ethan, he is hella fun to do a scene with." Cain smirked.

"Ethan is awesome," I agreed. I asked them a few more questions before wrapping it up.

"Thank you so much for sitting down with us. Remind everyone who you are," I prompted.

Cain gave Brady a naughty kiss and said, "I'm Cain Hillman and I'm Brady Jordan and we will be seeing you on roughriders.com!"

I turned the camera off and gave a little clap, "That was great guys. The kiss at the end was perfect."

"Ellie we were really hoping that you would do both our pg photo shoot and our R rated one," Cain said.

"We love Rob but we just really feel comfortable with you and we love your photos," Brady added.

"Are you sure," I asked feeling excitement sweep through me, "If we do this we can't tell my dad until after. You know how he gets if I see you guys naked."

"We would like it if you can just do it all today back at our apartment. We thought you could do like a real life spread," Cain commented.

"I really like that idea. How about you guys take an hour break and I will meet you at your place ok?" I suggested.

"Sounds great Ellie! Thanks for doing this for us," Brady said giving me a hug. As Cain and Brady left my office I could hear them greeting Max.

"Hey Max, long time no see dude," Cain said. I heard back slapping.

"You guys look great. You getting interviewed by my girl," Max asked.

"Your girl?" Brady questioned, "She's our girl Creed," he teased.

"If we were into pussy Ellie would be our perfect girlfriend," Cain said laughing.

I just shook my head. I had heard that before from many of the models.

"Like I would let you or Jordan anywhere near her," Max said seriously, "She's too good for any of us."

I stood in shock at that.

"You're right man. She deserves someone special," Brady agreed.

"See you later, Max," Cain said. I could hear retreating footsteps letting me know they left. I was still standing in place when Max stuck his head in her office.

"Hey beautiful," Max said.

"Hey babe," I said finally snapping out of my daze, "What's up? Where is Ash?"

"We were wondering if we could take you to lunch?"

"Yeah I have about an hour before I need to get to Cain and Brady's for their photo shoot."

Max smiled, "Great. Let's go to that salad place."

"Hell no, Max. I want meat!" Ash was in the doorway with his hands on his hips glaring at Max.

"You can get chicken in your salad," Max told Ash grabbing his arm steering him towards the exit.

"No asshole I want a burger, steak, pork," Ash grumbled. I chuckled watching them. My heart twisted in pain. They were good together, they made a great couple. Ash was just what Max needed. My traitorous heart was broken knowing that they had no room in their life in the way I would have liked. I was just going to have to get over it and find myself someone to console myself with. Like asap!

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