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My dad had built Rough Rider studios up from a one bedroom house into a multi million dollar industry. He had locations in Illinois, California, New York, New Orleans, Florida, and he just opened one in Canada. R&R had over 200 employees and he still approved every film, dildo, piece of merchandise, everything. Of course he had managers that he trusted but Rex liked to know what was going on. California was the headquarters for R&R and they had several pieces of property for shooting scenes. I did the photo shoots at the main office which was a ten bedroom house that looked like a small mansion. This home wasn't used for shoots it was strictly used for editing, doing photo shoots, used as room and board, a place to work out or just hang out and relax. When I got there at 10am four cars were already there.

"Hey Shane. Please tell me you got some sleep last night." Shane worked on all the edits and made the films look flawless.

"I crashed here but I got a solid six hours of sleep." When Shane got in the zone he sometimes forgot to take care of himself.

"Well here is some coffee and food for you. I see Zane is here and I need to get set up. It's going to be a long day. I'll check on you later, babe." I said giving Shane a kiss on the cheek.

By 4pm I had gotten through doing Zane, Ethan, and Brad's photo shoots. I would go through the photos tomorrow to see which ones I wanted to use for the website and the catalogs. The boys had modeled clothes today. All three had modeled for me numerous times so it went rather quickly. My dad had texted earlier that he had to fly to Florida to deal with some unexpected issues and that Pop was going with him. I could only guess that meant it was legal problems since Pop was a lawyer and dealt with legal problems. As I was walking by the gym I ran into Max and Ash. Both were shirtless with towels wrapped around their necks and they were wearing R&R sweat shorts. Max was laughing at something Ash had said and both looked good enough to eat. I knew it was time to get laid. I was drooling over the models again, one that was barely legal and the other that was 100% gay.

"You all done with your photo shoots Ellie," Max asked. Ellie was a nickname a lot of the models used for me.

"Yep. Now I'm off to an empty house to eat veggie lasagna all by my lonesome," I said with a pout.

"Did you say something about lasagna?" Ash asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"Yep and I have enough for two hungry boys," I said with a grin.

"I'm in let me grab my stuff," Ash said running to the room that held some lockers.

"You in baby," I asked Max.

"Of course just let me run home and grab stuff for Miller."

"Grab some clothes while you are at it just in case you fall asleep like last time. I'll see you in a little while."

Ash caught up to me at my car. "Max and I rode together. I don't have a car yet. That will be one of my first purchases. I figured I will just ride with you while Max runs home."

"Sure hop in. You didn't have school today?

"I only go on Monday's and Wednesday's. I tried to get all my classes into two days so that I would have time to study and work."

"Smart. I'm glad to be done with school," I said carefully pulling out into the street.

"What did you major in?" Ash asked conversationally.

"Photography, and I minored in business. I want to eventually own a studio and take people's pictures."

"That's cool. I want to direct some day. I'm hopping to learn some stuff from the crew here." he said excitedly.

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