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"You ever fantasize about being with a girl?"

"Why, are you offering," I ask not completely shocked Mia wants to know. Mia leans in close, "Yes."

"No, but I really did enjoy our kiss. Thank you." If Mia thinks that she is going to shock me in any way, it's not going to happen.

"How about a threesome then with me and Kai," Mia asks giving me a sexy pout.

"I haven't really thought too much about threesomes either, but if I were to have one it would be with two men."

"Oh we volunteer!" I looked over to see Jared and Jenson with their hands up. "We can so pop your threesome cherry."

I laughed out loud and look up to see Max covering my ears.

"What is wrong with all of you trying to corrupt my Ellie?" Max scolded.

"Jeez Max what crawled up your butt tonight? No one is pressuring Ellie into anything. I'm just making it known that I'm available if she ever wants to have fun," Mia said hitting Max's arm.

"Well stop. Ellie doesn't want any fun," Max mutters. I look at him with a confused look. He almost sounds jealous.

"On that note kiddos the old folks are off to bed," my dad announces, "Everyone knows the rules. If you have been drinking you either have to call a cab or pull up some floor here tonight. Don't stay up to late, some of you have shoots and other work to do tomorrow."

"Yes dad," I say saluting him. He leans down and kisses me, "I'll talk to you later about what happened earlier. Night sweetheart," he whispers in my ear.

"Night dad, night Pop." Pop kisses my other cheek and they both make their goodnights on their way back into the house.

"You guys all staying," I wonder trying to think of where they can all sleep, "How about the twins, Asa, and Mia in the big house. We have a couple guest rooms and I know you like the couch Asa." He gives me a thumbs up.

"Then me, Ash, and Kai will bunk in your house," Max offers.

"Sounds good," I say getting up to start clearing away the garbage, "If we get the food in the house we can leave everything else for tomorrow." Everyone helps me put the food away and then we all break off to our respective sleeping places.

"What are my chances of sharing your bed tonight," Kai asked in my ear. I turned to him with a smile and small shake of my head.

"No chance, that bed is reserved for me and Max," Ash called out. Then he turned and ran in that direction.

"I think the kid has a crush," Kai smirked, "Can't really blame him though can I. I'll take the guest room. Sleep tight babe."

I just stood there shaking my head.


The next day I woke once again pressed between the two men I couldn't stop thinking about, but before anyone got any naughty ideas I jumped out of bed and headed for the kitchen. I found Kai and the twins already drinking coffee and looking sinful in tank tops and boxers.

"I have died and went to hot boy heaven," I teased holding my hand over my heart, "Be still my lady parts."

"We thought if we dressed like this that maybe you would make us breakfast," Kai confessed.

"Well you should have gotten naked for that." The twins scrambled out of their chairs and started taking their tank tops off.

"Stop, wait keep going. You guys are insane how identical you are. I want to photograph you both."

Jared grinned, "That's good because we want you to photograph us to. We really love your work. Your dad said you could take some photos of us today."

"Awesome, I would love to. How do omelets sound? Want to help me cut everything up?"

Jensen volunteered and Jared and Kai went to wake the rest of the house.

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