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Shit,shit,shit.Im really late to class.

I entered my classroom.'Miss Jung,why are you late?' my biology teacher asked.

'Sorry miss,i slept late,it won't happen again'i lied and bowed.

'Make sure it won't now go seat'i bowed again and got to my seat.


It's lunch time.Yay!.I love to eat.I was waiting on a table in the canteen waiting
for Hye.She said she will get my food.Yerin said that she nedded to finish something so she went off.

I saw Jaehyun enter the canteen with his friends.

It's really hard to hang out with them or even talk to them.You must be some high score so you can talk with them.That's why Yerin was so happy that she got to hang out with one of them.

I saw that Jaehyun smiled at me.Well i think it was at me.It may be some girl behind me who knows.

Hye was already back with our food.

'Who are u looking at?'she asked me.'Unm..no one'i said looking at my food.

'Heyy,don't lie in your best friend,i know' she said pinching my arm and grinning at me.

'No one' i said.Hye looked around.

'Is it Taeyong?'she asked looking at me.I shook my head.

'Or Mark?' She asked again.I shook my head again.

'Then who is it!'she said frustrated.

I giggled.'It's Jaehyun' i said in a whispery tone.

'Owwww' she said.

'GUYSS' we heard Yerin yelling at us.

Of course we know it's Yerin bc who will yell that loud in the canteen.

Yerin sat down with her food glaring at us with a creepy Jeff the Killer smile.

'What cha' guys talkin' about?'she asked.

'Do you know that our Bommie has a crush on Jaehyun' 'WHAT-no i never said i did' I exclaimed.

'OMGGG'Yerin yelled.I covered her mouth with my hands.Everybody was looking at us.'yehhh...ihh...behbnnnn' Yerin tried speaking.

'No Yerin i am tired of you yelling just stop' i rised my voice.

Hye looked at me in shock,soon followed by Yerin.

We were in silence for a bit.

'I-im sorry' i said and put my hand away looking at my lap.

'Awwww don't be shy,we also curse and yell' Hye said smiling.

I smiled too.'Sowwy Bom' Yerin said in a cute tone pouting.

I giggled.'Ok soooo......tell me why do you like Jaehyun' Yerin said in a "serious" tone.

'I never said i liked him....anyway what happened with him was...well we bumped into each other and he helped me pick up my books'i said.

Hye and Yerin went "ooooo".
'But guys serously i never said i liked him it's just it-' 'Don't worry Bom we know one day we will visit your apartment and there will be little Bom's and Jaehyun's running around and laughing' Hye said.'truee' Yerin laughed.

I blushed at the though.Wow they already planned my future.


The rest of the school day was fine.

Everything went smooth.

Now it was time for my after school activity which was cheerleading.

We are cheerleading for the school's basketball teams.

I was now in the locker room changing.

'Omg i can't wait to see Taeil'Yerin clapped her hands.

'Chill you'll see him in like 2 minutes' Hye said annoyed.

The cheerleading practice and the basketball practice are outside so we see the basketball players.

We got out of the locker room.

Soon after we heard moaning sounds.I blushed like crazy.

'Tch,they can't save their hormones for later' Hye said really annoyed.

The moaning didn't stop.So i covered my ears bc that shits nasty.

'Awww our little Bom is innocent,uncover your ears,you'll do it soon..with Jaehyun'Yerin said giggling and whispering the last part.

Im a tomato now.'Wtf Yerin' Hye said.

'What it's true' Yerin protested.

Now it's time to start the practice..

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