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'Jaehyun' he plainly said.

'W-what about him?' I stuttered.

'I know you like him, everybody knows,even him himself' he said.'h-how?'
damn i stuttered again.

'Isn't it obvious? The way you look at him,and your laugh is different when you are with him' he explained.

I stayed silent,words not coming out of my mouth.

'Don't you realize it?
He's just playing with you,he does that when he founds out that someone likes him,and then when he gets what he wants,he will just leave you there,dumbfounded' he said.

'W-what?' 'He is just playing with you Bom,im saying this as a warning so you won't be heart broken one day,i don't like to see pretty girls cry'
he came closer and patted my hair.

'But what does he want from me?' I asked confused.

'I c-can't tell you that' he kind of stuttered.

'And Jaehyun won't took you home right now,get ready i will take you' he now patted my shoulder and got out of the locker room.


As i got outside i saw Taeyong waiting on the bench outside.

'Cmon let's go' he said as he got up.

I raised and eyebrow at him.

'Don't worry im not a killer'

I just nodded and followed him to his car.

Yes he actually knows how to drive a car,but he dosen't have a license.

I got in the front seat next to him and Taeyong started driving.

I noticed that he was driving on the other way.
That is not the way to my complex.

'Umm..this is not the way to my home' i told him as i pulled his sleeve a little.

'Shh,just be good and we won't have problems' he said.
He said the exact same thing when i was sitting at their table.


Now we were in front of a house.

Not a big one but also not a small one.

When i was in front of the door i did not want to enter.

What if he really is a killer or a psycho.

'Get inside' Taeyong said,no requested as he opened the door.

I got inside quiet slow.

'Go in my room,it's upstairs to the left the last room.' He explained.

I nodded and headed upstairs.

When i opened his room i saw Jaehyun playing on xbox.

'Yo bro lo-' his sentence was cut off when he saw me.

'Oh,hi Bom i didn't know TY invited you' 'Neither do i,he just brought me here' i said plainly.

But wait,my mom,she will get worried.

I pulled out my phone and dialed her number.
(lined-phone call)
'Hey mom,umm i just wanna say i am at Yerin's house and maybe i will be sleeping over' 'oh okay sweet heart,make sure,no boys' she said in an kind of angry tone.

I quickly hung up so i won't listen to her stupid lessons.

Taeyong suddenly walked in with a lot pf snacks in his hands.

'Let's all watch a movie' he said happily.

'And Bom if you're wondering why i bought you here,it's because we wanted to have a girl with us' Taeyong explained and smiled sarcastically.

'Let's watch it in the living room,there is more space' Jaehyun suggested and Taeyong nodded.

I just followed them to the living room and sat down next to them.Right now i kinda feel comfortable around them.

'Ugh,i wish i had comfy clothes on right now'
i whined.

Jaehyun suddenly took his sweater off.'Go change' he said as he patted my hair.

I got in the bathroom to change.
The sweater reached half of my knees so i decided to took my skirt off.

After i got changed i saw that Taeyong and Jaehyun are already seated on the couch.

'Come sit in between' Taeyong patted the spot next to him.

After i sat down,'Bom which movie do you want to watch?' Jaehyun asked me as his hand got around my waist.

'Umm i don't know,i don't watch a lot of movies' i answered him as i got a little uncomfortable with his hand around my waist.

'Oh i know,we should watch 50 shades of grey' Taeyong said.

Smut in the next chap?
And when did this even came in my mind,i didn't plan to write this.
And also thank you guys for being so sweet like the last chap got 5 comm within a week.
Im crying rn T.T

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