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I held Jaehyuns waist tighter.

This friking motorcycle was so fast i think that my head will rip in 2 halfs.

Before i knew it we were in front if my house.

I got up and my feet touched the ground.Oh i missed you ground.

Jaehyun suddenly was so close to my face that my heart was beating at an abnormal peace.

I realized that he is getting the helmet off.

Jaehyun pinched my cheeks.I blushed like crazy.

He laughed and hugged me.

'U-um i have to go now' i said and walked off.

'Bye-bye' he yelled waving his hand.

I turned and waved back.

Once i was in the lift i pressed the button to my floor.

When i got into the apartment i saw my mother waiting for me with crossed arms.

Oh shit,this ain't good.

'Hello e-eomma' i said acting innocent.If she saw what happened im dead.Bye.

'Who?' She asked in a serious tone.

'Umm...What?' I asked "confused"

'Who's he?' She raised her eyebrow.

'Umm..a friend..' I said. 'Don't lie to me!' She raised her voice.'How can he be your friend when i saw you too kissing and hugging each other' 'We weren't ki-' 'What did i tell you about hanging out with that kind of boys' she said.

'Mom he is really a nice guy' i said.I have to prove her wrong.

'Yeah nice guy,rides a motorcycle has tattos and piercings,and will play with your feelings.Yeah he's such a nice guy' she said in a sarcastic tone.

'But mom you do-' 'That's it i've had enough,GO TO YOUR ROOM' she yelled.

I sighed and entered my room.

When she says the words "go to your room" you can't talk back.

But how does she expects me to get married if she keeps controlling me like that?

+cheerleader+ [jaehyun]Where stories live. Discover now