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themazerunnerfan1 is queern.You should go and follow her. Her stories are the best and she is the best !😉🌚


I slowly turned around seeing my mother looking confused,a bit scared and disapointed.

'Yes mom I was at Yerin's.I was sleeping over."-I nervously chuckled and looked at the ground,drops of sweat falling on the ground.

She glared at me rising her brow.

I nodded my head slowly before walking over to my bedroom and locking it on the way.But then my head exploded from pain and I found myself looking into some memories from last night.


'C'mon it will be fun.' He said.
'NO I WON't have sex with you!Psychopaths!'I yelled.I stood up but right after I got out of his grip.

I tried unlocking the door,but it was locked.My heart started beating faster and faster each second.Jaehyun grabbed my wrist and pushed me on the bed.

End of flashback

Tears fell down my eyes as I looked at the mirror.I can't believe I did that.And in that moment I felt my stomach twist.I covered my mouth and went into the bathroom quickly.

When I finished,I sat on the bathroom floor crying.I could not be pregnant.Pregnant at 17?My mom would be so mad.My career will be ruined.I hate myself for doing that.

I quickly grabbed my phone and called Jaehyun.

He immediatly picked up and I heard the concern in his voice

'Jaehyun.If we really did that..I think I might be pregnant.'

He hung up soon right after leavin me alone on  the line.That was it.My life was over

wtf is this?
sry for not updating....
and im 13 hours clean,IM SO HAPPY 😄😄😄😄

This crap has 7k reads like WHATTTTTTTT????

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