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I saw my mom walking angirly towards me.I gasped taking a step back drowning in fear.But if I never stand up for myself I would never be confident.

'You!'I was suprised at first that she actually looked at Jaehyun not at me.'You ruined my daughters life!And you Bom!You ruined my life too.You know what?You don't have a mother anymore.'

With that she stormed off leaving me on the ground drowning in tears.I never thought my mum would say that.I ruined her life.Jaehyun picked me up and I cried while struggling to get out of his grip.

'It's okay'Jaehyun comforted  me.

He brought me back to the car,and puts me on the passenger seat.

I quietly sobbed.Jaehyun got in the car and started driving.

I didn't know where he was taking me,i just sobbed quietly.

'We're here' i heard him say.I looked outside the window,it was a house,a rather big one.

I took off my seatbelt and got out of the car.

'Wipe those tears away,you're gonna meet my parents' He said wiping the tears with his thumbs.

We got inside the house,and i was surprised at how neat it was.And the decor was pretty.

'Mom!,Dad!' Jaehyun shouted,his shouts echoing through the big house.

'Oh,Honey,i didn't know you were gonna bring a girl' a lady said,coming down the stairs.

She was very pretty,i guess it's his mom.I gripped on Jaehyun's arm.

'Mom i want you to meet Bom,
my girlfrined' Jaehyun said as he smiled at me.


'Ohh,she's so pretty Jae,and she looks nice' His mother said.You smiled at her.

'Nice to meet you Mrs.Jung' you bowed politely.

'And mom,she's also,ummm....how do i say this,pregnant' Jaehyun said awkwardly.Your eyes widened as you look at him.

'WHAT?!' His mother yelled.

This was short + it sucks.
And i want to kill my self,bye :)

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