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'No i will take her' Jaehyun said.

Taeyong shot him a glare.

'No i will' his voice got louder.

Jaehyun's brows furrowed.He grabbed him by his collar.

'No I'M gonna take her' he said.'I said it first' Taeyong yelled.

Taeyong suddenly punched Jaehyun.

'You little-' Jaehyun muttured as he hit him back.

They started fighting and yelling who will take Bom to the nurse.

Wow this guys are madly in love.

'Yah,stop it' Yerin and the others tried to stop them.

'Waitt' i yelled.

They stopped and looked at me.

'Let me see who has more bruises' i said.

I studied their face.

Well their bruises are pretty bad.

'Jaehyun will take her' i said.

'Wait,wh-' 'Taeyong cut it Jaehyun wounds are pretty bad ok?' I said trying to sound nice.

He just hissed at Jaehyun.

Jaehyun lifted Bom bridal style.


I headed off to the nursery room with Bom in my hands.

I guess she lost focus and fell.

I was so worried for her.

Students that were still in the school were gasping when they saw me carrying her.

I know now they are gonna start a rumor.

But i don't care.I heard a low moan.

It was coming from Bom.I guess she's waking up.

'Shh,close your eyes,im taking you to the nurse' i said softly to her.

She just nodded.


The nurse said she'll be alright.She just needs to rest a little.

She was sleeping on the bed.
I was just watching her.

I gotta say she's really pretty and adorable.

The way she blushes and looks away when she is embarrassed is really cute.

The way she stands on her tip toes when she tries to reach something or see is really really adorable.

I just want to cuddle her everyday.

I saw her opening her eyes.

She looked at me.'u-um J-Jaehyun what happened?' she stuttered.

'You lost focus while you were practicing,fell and you hit your head,so i took you to the nurse' i explained to her.

'But why is your face all bruised up?' She asked.'ah that..it's nothing' i said.

'But-' 'While i was practicing,they kept hitting my face with the basketball and yeah.Don't worry the nurse cleaned them up' i lied.

She looked like she didn't believe.But then her face softened and she nodded.


There was an awkward silence between us.

Jaehyun suddenly stand up.

He sat at the edge of the bed.

He then came closer to me.
His hands cupped my face.

My heart was racing at an abnormal peace.My cheeks started to get hot.

He leaned in closer and closer.

Our faces were inches apart.
My breathing stopped my heart raced in a wild peace..


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