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Semi smut below,don't read ahead if you are uncomfortable.
You have been WARNED.


Me and Jaehyun were sitting on the couch bored while Taeyong was watching the movie happily.

'Oh my gosh it's so boring' Jaehyun whispered in my ear.
I flinched a little when his hot breath tickled my neck.

'And,what are we gonna do?' You asked him.

'Hey Taeyong why don't we watch something else?' Jaehyun suggested.

'NO,we're watching this' he said,sounding like a little girl who's throwing a tantrum .

Jaehyun rolled his eyes at Taeyong's behavior.

'Let's go upstairs,and watch another movie' Jaehyun again whispered in my ear.

'Y-yea let's g-go' I nodded.

We headed upstairs without Taeyong noticing us.
He was too interested in the movie.

We entered Taeyong's room and i sat on the bed looking around the room.

I was brought back to reality when i heard the door lock.

I turned around and saw Jaehyun smirking at me.

'So why don't we have fun?' he suggested in a husky voice.

My face flushed red as inappropriate thoughts ran through my head.

'W-what are y-you talking a-about?' i stuttered as his face got closer and closer to mine.

'I know you want this too,Bom' Jaehyun whispered in a sexy tone and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck        and started licking it.

I flinched at the sudden contact.He moved down my neck sucking it and biting it,making sure to leave marks.

He pushed me on the bed and hovered on top of me.

'Let me hear you' he smirked down at me.

He took of his shirt reviling his milky abs.

His hand was now on the hem of my shirt.

'No,J-jaehyun please' i whimpered.

Full smut in the next chap?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Add me on snapchat if you want

              +Full smut in the next chap?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Add me on snapchat if you want

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If u want to see my ugly face errday.

This chap is just a filler
and again a lame ch-ch-ch-ch-chapter.

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