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This can't be.
Just then i heard a knock.

I wiped my tears and opened the door and it was my mom with cleaning supplies.

'Sweetie i have to clean the bathroom.' She said rather kinda sweet.

'O-ok' i said as i got out.

I hope she never finds out about my pregnancy.
I thought as i made my way to the kitchen.

I walked into my room and heard my mom crying.

I quickly ran to the bathroom to see my mom holding the pregnancy test.

Oh no.

'Mom what's happening?' I asked coming closer to her.She cried even more causing me to worry a lot.

'You are pregnant?How could you?You are repeating my same mistakes.'She cried and threw the test on the floor.You think I wanted to give birth to you?
You were just a freaking mistake.If it wasn't for my mom I would have made an abortion!And don't you think I will be a freaking grandma at the age of thirty four!'

I flinched while the tears ran down my face.I was shocked by her words which made me really angry.

"Get out!"-I screamed.She raised her eyebrows.

"What did you just say?"-She said coming closer to me.

"I said get out!"-I pushed her out of the room and I locked the door behind me.Salty tears fell on my cheeks while angry sobs came out of my mouth.I've had enough.I took my lagguage and I packed most of the clothes I needed,some money my mom has been giving me if I got an A and my phone and its charger.I took my jacket and my hat and I jumped out of the window.The ground was only a meter away from my room so I wasn't injured or anything.

I took my phone and I called Yerin.

'Bom?What's up?'Yerin answered while chuckling happily.

'Yerin,can I stay at your house?Please?'I begged while crying.

'Sure but why are you crying?' Yerin asked.

'I'll tell you later.'

And with that I hung up.

My life is over

themazerunnerfan1 wrote this cuz i am a lazy piece of ass.

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