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'So what happened?' Hye asked.

'Well,i Taeyong and Johnny,umm they were grabbing my tights.And yeah' i said embarrassed.

'WHAT' they both yelled in unison.

'Well it looks likde i have to punch someone's face' Hye said clenching her fists.

'No please don't i called you two so i can get out of that situation bc it was embarrassing' i explained.

Yerin just sat there and watched.

'You..are...so..lucky' she muttured.

'Yerin,in which reality are u?' Hye hissed at her.

'But no really,so lucky,some of the boys touched you,and you sat with them at lunch,and like omggg' Yerin started fangirling.

My expression was shocked and   Hye was,annoyed.

'Gosh Yerin,stop with it.I know you are possessed and stuff but we have serious business here' Hye hit Yerin at the back of her head.

'Ok,ok im fine' Yerin said.
I sighed.'Ok so what are we gonna do now?' I asked.

'Punch some heads' Hye said clenching her fists again.

'Yes,and we'll kill people' Yerin laughed evilly.

I guess i am the only normal one here.

'No i meant we could go back to the cafeteria,or we could go in the classroom or the garden' i explained what i meant.

'Oh' yerin said.

'Let's stay here,it's really peaceful' Hye smiled.

'Did Hye just smiled!?' Yerin exclaimed.'Does Yerin wants to be punched in the face?' Hye imitated Yerin's voice.

Cheerlead Practice

I was going out of to locker room to the basketball field.

When i got out in the corner i spotted two figures.

It's a boy and a girl.

Not just any boy but it was Jaehyun making out with the schools slut Jennifer.

My heart broke.I felt like a million of knifes were stabbing it.

But after all why would i care,it's not like im his gurlfriend and i'll never be.

He probably just thinks i am a good friend.


Good friend.


As we were practicing I couldn't get the scene out of my head.

So i was loosing focus.

'Bom look out' i heard Hye yelling.

As i know now i am on the ground.

My vision is blurry.

Everyone was surrounded by me.

'Bom are you ok?' My coach asked.

I couldn't speak.

'What happened?' I heard Taeyong ask.

'She fell, and hit her head' Hye explained.

'Lemme take her to the nurse' Taeyong said.

'No i will take her' i heard another soft voice.Which happened to be Jaehyun's.


I'll end it here sorry.
: (

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