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I immediately got out of the bathroom,and slipped my shoes on.

I bumped into my mom halfway.

'Where are you going?' she raised her brow.

'I-..i....am umm going to the library, to study umm for an upcoming test' i nodded my head.A really great lie.

'Ok go on' she patted my shoulder.

I smiled at her and headed out of the door.


As i walked to his house,i was about to knock,but then i heard Jaehyun's faint voice.

He seems like he's talking to someone.I pressed my ears on the door and started listening to what he was talking about.

'Man...u know she was so.....hhaha and she totally fell for me..ahhahaha' i couldn't really understand everything,and i don't even know if he's talking about me or someone else.But i think it's definitely about me.

I took a deep breath and knocked a few times.

Seconds after Jaehyun opened the door.

His face kinda dropped when he saw me teary eyed.

'Why did u hung up?' I asked trying not to cry.

'Umm i got another call' he simply answered.'yea another call so you can gossip about me,huh?' I asked getting angry at his stupid response.

'And besides that i might be pre-' 'How do you know that you're pregnant,did u take a test or go to the doctor?' Je asked a hint of sarcasam in his voice.

'N-no..i vomited after you dropped me home' i explained.
'And? Maybe that's because you ate something,or something else,vomiting is not the only hint of pregnancy.' He was becoming more and more sarcastic by every sentence.

I opened my mouth to say something but the words couldn't come out of my mouth.

He looked at me with squinty eyes.'Now if you excuse me
I have other stuff to do than deal with you' he closed the door with a straight face.

Tears escaped my eyes.And my head started to pound again.


As he pushed me on the bed he hovered over me.
He gave me a lustful look and smirked at me.
His hand went under the sweatshirt.

'No,leave me alone' i whimpered quietly.

'Man i love hearing your voice,it's so adorable' he said as his hot breath tickled my collarbones.

He started to kiss them and soon after that he started sucking on them.

I squirmed under his touch and tried to break free.

Then someone broke the door.

But the door was locked how did Taeyong broke it?

'How...coulddd youu guyss havveeee funnnnn withoutttt mee?' He asked in a drunk voice.He probably was drunk.

He grabbed Jaehyun's shirt and pushed him off of me.
I stood up and tried to run to the door but Taeyong's arm stopped me and threw me back on the bed.

Taeyong hovered over me and attacked my neck.I kicked his chest and legs but his hands hovered my wrists and grabbed them.A few seconds he bit my neck and i kicked his leg,hard.He growled at me and then he kissed me roughly.

'I don't want this' i whimpered trying to make some words.

'Ohhh,what a voice,haha why did you hide it?' Taeyong stopped and looked at me waiting for an answer.

I just turned my face to the side.

'Don't worry we'll make your voice come out,but i don't know if we'll be able to hear it the next morning' Taeyong chuckled after his sentence.

flashback end.

More tears escaped my eyes as i was remembering half of the things that happened that night.

I quickly headed to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test.

As i entered there were some customers who rather looked at me weirdly.

I wiped my tears and went to the counter.A young lady appeared,smiling at me.I returned that with a weak smile.

'Dear you look horrible,what happened to you?' The lady asked.
I smiled.'thanks for asking,it's nothing really,can i buy a pregnancy test?' I asked,awkwardly.

'Ahh kids these days,honey are u sure u want to buy a pregnancy test?' She asked.
I nodded and she shook her head.She went of somewhere and came back with a pregnancy test.
'That will be 10¥ (i just made this up don't blame me)' she said.I struggled to find some money in these old jeans but thank god i found some.

I got out of the pharmacy and  rushed home.


When i got home i ignored my mom's glares and rushed quickly to the bathroom.

I followed the instructions on the pregnancy.After i was done i waited a few more minutes to see the result.

I was praying that it would turn out negative.

After the time passed i picked up the pregnancy tesy.

'No..' i whispered.
There were two red lines.
It's positive.

K bye
Have to buy some holy water

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