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'No way!' i exclaimed.

How does she even know Zhang Yixing?

Well,Yixing is kinda like a brother to me.
He is a senior at my sister's highschool.

And we always hang out together.

'What,why?' Yerin asked confused.

'Ow..yeah...well i know who Zhang Yixing is.' I said.
Yerin and Hye had confused expressions on their face.

'Whattt?? Is he your boyfriend or something?' Yerin started asking me questions that made no sense.

'Noo..he is like a brother to me,he goes to my sister's school and we always hang out together' i explained to them.

'Ohhh..' they both "ohhed".

'So can you,umm kind of..set us up?' Hye asked.

'What?' 'She asked if you can make some witch magic so they can meet' Yerin said in a sarcastic tone.

'Okay class,everybody sit down,we have a new student' our teacher said.

New Student?

Then after a while ago a girl walked in.
She had beautiful silky orange hair,pale skin,and almond shaped eyes.

She was really pretty,unlike me.

'Introduce your self' our teacher said.

My name is Rinna,butt you can call me RinRin!' She said lively,more like she yelled.

'No not another Yerin' the whole class groaned.

'Bwoh?what have i done to you' Yerin yelled.

'Everyone,calm down' the teacher cooed us.


School went fine,with the new girl yelling and stuff.

Now it's time to go to cheer practice,again.

When i got out of the locker room,i saw Rinna and...JAEHYUN.

They were talking,and laughing together.
I would say they flirted.

Jaehyun then suddenly kissed her and she laughed.

Does he do this to all the girls in school?

I had mixed emotions.
I was sad,angry,and jealous.

But i shrugged it off.


Practice was over,and if you're wondering,yes Rinna joined the cheer team.

I got out of the shower and headed to the locker room.

Again i was the last one.

When i entered the locker room i saw Taeyong leaning on my locker.

He smirked when he saw me only in a towel.

He came closer to me and i took a step back.

'Don't worry i won't do anything to you' he said.

'Im just here to talk to you'
'What do you wanna talk about?' I asked him.

'Jaehyun' he plainly said.

Another filler.
Btw i gotta say that Kyungsoo needs to chill a lil' in Lotto.

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