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Liam's POV

I smiled as I made my way through the halls of Wolverhampton's Boarding school with my boyfriend Louis. Louis is starting senior year at the school and I just work at the nursery in the complex so that means that we will be given a dorm to share with three younger boys ranging from the ages of 8-16.

Just having turned 19 myself and been here since I was 16 I never experienced a 'buddy' as they call them. It was always just Louis, who's still 18, and I in a dorm.

"Can't wait till we meet our little buddies." Louis squeals for the one hundredth time this morning. Over excited is an understatement.

"Me too baby, me too." I smiled and squeezed his hand that I was holding.

Louis and I have been dating since I was 16 and he was 15. We immediately clicked and three years later we're still going strong.

A lot of kids get sent here because their parents can't be bothered with them and would rather pay money for them to go to boarding school than have them in the house.

I'm here because my father, my grandfather and my great grandfather all attended this school. I guess you could say it was kind of a tradition.

Louis is here because his mum thought it would be a good way to bring him out of his shell. And it did.

"Leeyum, come on, they're assigning the kids now." He says tugging on my arm.

We walk up to the lady who has the number of the block which our dorm is in and told her our names and dorm number. She smiles and hands us three plastic folders.

I open the first one.

Harry Styles
8 years old
Birthday is 1 February
4ft 9
Acts younger/ not fully developed
Sent here because his mum's an alcoholic and he's never met his dad.

I give Lou Harry's folder and open the next one.

Niall Horan
12 years old
Birthday is 13 September
5ft 2
Is originally from Mullingar, Ireland but was sent here by his aunt after his parents died.

Oh my god, these kids files are heartbreaking. I open the last one which is substantially shorter than the other two.

Zayn Malik
14 years old
Birthday is 12 January
5ft 4
No known information.

Well that's weird. They usually have at least a little bit of information on each pupil. However I don't have much time to dwell on it because a loud voice tears me away from my thoughts.

"Right seniors, the children are going to come out on stage now and one by one they will be sent to you. Once your assigned buddy has been called please raise your hand so they can see you."

Then she went through the list.

"Harry Styles."

Louis' hand shot straight up in the air and he waved at the little boy who didn't look much older than 7 and had a mop of curly brown hair. He timidly walked over and Louis embraced him in a hug.

"Hey there buddy, I'm Louis and this is Liam. We're gonna be your buddies. We'll show you our new dorm once the other two come." Louis explains.

Harry just nods his head, looking very sleepy.

We stand for another 15 minutes before the lady catches our attention again.

"Niall Horan."

This time I wave to the petite blonde boy that is looking about on stage. Once he sees me he seems to relax and makes his way over to us.

Louis gives him more or less the same explanation he gave Harry and then we wait for Zayn. However, as we're waiting Harry's eyes are getting droopier and droopier and soon enough he's nearly asleep leaning on me.

I nudge Louis arm and motion to the tiny boy leaning on me. Louis coos and gestures for me to pick him up. So I hand his bag to Louis and pick him up wrapping his legs around my waist. He automatically rests his head on my shoulder and drapes his arms around my neck. I push away some of his stray hair and smile at his innocence.

"Zayn Malik."

Louis waves again as this time my hands are full and Zayn makes his way over to us.

"Hey Zayn, I'm Liam. This is my boyfriend Louis, this little man in my arms is Harry and the one with Louis is Niall. We're gonna take you all back to the dorm now." I say.

They all follow me out of the hall and across to where the dorms are. Because there is now 5 of us the dorm is really quite big. It has two bedrooms, a master with its own en suite and a room with a bunk bed and a single bed, a kitchen, living room and a bathroom.

Louis and I had already moved our bags in earlier before going to the hall but we still haven't unpacked yet.

"Welcome home."

New book! If you read it and like it please leave a comment! I love hearing feedback.



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