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Liam's POV

Louis, Zayn and I got to the shopping mall at about twelve o'clock. No one was very hungry when we first arrived as we'd had breakfast not too long before.

The shops were absolutely mobbed with people running about trying to get the best deals on Christmas presents. Luckily for Lou and I we've had the boys presents for ages and they're already wrapped and ready to be brought to our house late on Christmas Eve after the boys go to bed. Louis and I are keeping the boys presents at my mum and dads house and on Christmas Eve my dad is going to bring the presents over so we can put them in the boys Santa sacks.

Harry and Niall still believe in Santa and I'm pretty sure Zayn wants to believe, but you know what high school's like. Even the teachers talk about Santa not being real.

However, Niall has been coming home saying that a boy in his class said that Santa isn't real. Louis always tells him he feels sorry for the boy because then that would mean there is no magic in his life.

"Zaynie, hold onto my hand please. It's too busy in here and I don't want you getting lost." I said to Zayn who was at my side.

"Okay." He blushed and took my hand.

"So where do you want to look first baby?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I need to get Justin a Christmas present but I don't know what to get him." He said and I chuckled.

"Do you want to know what I got your Daddy for our first Christmas together?" Louis asked and he nodded.

"It was so cringy but I bought him a boxing bag and wrote all the things I love about him on it." Louis giggled and I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"Well it was the cutest thing ever. I still have the bag, it's at Gran and Grandpas house." I smiled fondly at Louis.

"I got Louis tickets to see The Fray, his favourite band, and a new keyboard because he wasn't allowed a piano in his dorm room." I said.

"Well Justin doesn't box, he does play the piano but Josh already had a keyboard so I don't know what go get him." Zayn said.

"You could get him some pyjamas? Oh and a box of condoms." Louis said and my eyes nearly popped out of my head.

"No! Absolutely not! No way." I said as Louis and Zayn laughed at my outburst.

"I'm just kidding Li." He said and I relaxed. "Justin's probably already got condoms." He joked and I was tense again.

"Louis." I warned.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. Just don't go all Daddy bear on me." He said and I chuckled.

"Daddy bear?" I questioned and he nodded. "What does that make you?" I asked.

"Mama bear!" Zayn butted in.

"Hey!" Louis said and I shrugged.

"He's not wrong." I smirked and pulled him into my chest to kiss the top of his head.

"Now for proper ideas. What sort of things does Justin like?" I asked Zayn and he pondered.

"He really likes this band called The 1975." He said and I nodded.

"Why don't we go into HMV and buy him The 1975 CD, and guess who I think might be coming to Wolverhampton in February?" Louis asked and Zayn shrugged.

"The 1975!" Louis exclaimed.

"Do you think we could get tickets?" Zayn asked and I nodded.

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