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Liam's POV

The sun shining through the curtains that we forgot to close last night woke me up. Well that and the fact that there was a child sitting on me.

I groaned as the weight shifted and another person sat on top of me. It's not that they were too heavy or anything, but they were making very hard to breath because they were sitting too far up my chest.

I opened my eyes to be met with Harry and Niall's cheeky grins.

"Morning Daddy." Niall said at the same time Harry said:

"Daddy you're up!"

"Yes Daddy's up, and who's fault is that?" I asked them and they giggled.

"Lukey called! He asked if I wanted to go to the zoo with him and Harry could come too but uncle Ash said we had to wait until he spoke to you. So I woke you up so you can speak to him!" Niall said and shoved my phone in my hands.

"Niall, why did you answer my phone without permission?" I asked, trying to be stern. "What if it had been an important business call?"

"But the caller ID said Ash, so I assumed it was uncle Ashy!" He argued.

"Okay bud, but next time, please doesn't answer my phone." I said and he nodded.

"What's this about a phone?" Louis asked finally waking up.

"Nothing to worry about. I'm going to call Ash so could you maybe change Harry's nappy?" I asked as Louis sat up and yawned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Yeah sure. Come on baby, lie down." I heard Louis say as I left the room

Ashton picked up after the fourth ring.

"Hey Li."

"Hey Ash, Harry said you phoned me this morning?" I said.

"Yeah, Mikey and I are taking Luke to the zoo because Callum was staying at a friends house last night and he's still not back. So we were wondering if Niall and Harry would like to come too? I would invite Zayn but I don't know how he'd feel without Cal." He said.

"Yeah, I think he'd appreciate the offer but I think I'll keep one of my babies here with me today. That and the fact that he's not out of his bed yet. I'll get Harry and Niall ready, so you want me to drop them off at yours?" I asked.

"Nah, we'll pick them up on the way to the zoo. I'll get them at about ten, just make sure they're ready to jump in the car."

"Okay, see you soon."


"Harry, Niall go get dressed for the zoo!" I shouted and they both ran into their room giggling.

I retreated back to Lou and I's bedroom.

"Just you, Zayn and I today." I said and Louis nodded.

"Yeah, why don't we go out for lunch or something. Just the three of us." Louis suggested.

"Sounds good."

At ten o'clock Ashton beeped his car horn and I took Harry and Niall down to the car, fitting Harry's car seat and placing Niall's booster seat down as well.

"Have fun at the zoo, lovelies. Papa loves you! Make sure you get lots of pictures of them!" Louis shouted.

"Tell Louis not to worry, I'll take a lot of pictures." Mikey said and I chuckled.

"Okay guys, have fun." I said kissing their foreheads before shutting the car door and watching the car drive away.

I walked back up to the apartment where Louis was making some breakfast.

"Li, can you go and wake Zayn up? He's been sleeping long enough, also check the pull up because it might be wet." Louis said and I nodded.

"Yeah, we'll be in for some breakfast soon Lou." I said and went to wake Zayn up.

I walked into the dark room and could faintly make out the outline of Zayn in his bed.

"Zaynie, it's time to get up. C'mon now." I said shaking him softly.

"Nooooooooo." He whined and turned around.

"Zayn come on, you need to get up. I need to check if you're wet or not." I said sternly.

At this he shot straight up in his bed and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What do you mean 'I need to check if you're wet or not?'" He questioned, becoming a bit panicky.

I sighed and lifted Zayn out of his bed, with my hands under his armpits and set his feet on the ground in front of me.

"Last night you were too tired and refused to go potty before bed. You drank a lot last night so I put you in a pull up just to be on the safe side." I said and his cheeks turned crimson as he started crying.

"Whyyyy." He cried.

"Aww honey, it's okay. It was just because you drank a lot and then you were too tired to go potty." I said while wrapping my arms around him and rubbing his back soothingly.

I slipped a finger into the front of his pull up and that confirmed my suspicions that he'd wet it.

"Now, let's get you out of that nasty thing and get you all cleaned up." I said as if I was talking to Niall or Harry.

He continued to cry so I picked him up and lay him down on Lou and I's bed. I slipped off his pull up and pulled the top over his head.

"Why don't you go and shower in the en suite and after that Papa and I will have breakfast ready."

Zayn sniffled and nodded solemnly it didn't move.

"Do you need any help baby?" I asked and he nodded.

"Please?" He asked in a tiny voice.

I smiled and took him into the bath where I turned on the water and waited for the water to fill up the tub.

Once it was ready, I sat Zayn inside and helped wash him. Once we were finished I wrapped him in a fluffy towel - like I do with Ni and Haz - and dried him.

"We're going out for lunch so you can't wear your pyjamas today." I said and looked out some black skinny jeans and a superman top for him to wear.

He pulled up his boxers - which he made me turn around for - and I helped him with his jeans and top. I put his socks on and then tied the laces of his black adidas trainers (Louis pick obviously).

"You ready for some breakfast love?" I asked him and he nodded.

"M'hungry Daddy." He whispered and I cooed.

"Okay baby, let's go and get some yummies!" I said, once again as if I was talking to Niall or Harry and he blushed.

He jumped on my back with his legs around my waist and hands round my neck.

"I love you Dad." He said as we walked into the kitchen.

"I love you too baby. Always."

Hey guys!

So I hope you liked the chapter! If you have any ideas for the next one please send some in.

Oh and I've also broken it off for the LAST time with my on again - off again 'boyfriend'. That's why this chapter was a day late.

Anyways, I love you guys!

Comment! Vote!

Thank youuuuuuu



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