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Liam's POV

After Niall recovered from the poisoning Lou and I decided to take the boys out for a fun day.

Last time we were at the swimming pool they seemed to really enjoy it so Louis and I decided we'd take them to the new water park.

"Boys wake up!" I shouted, while sitting on the couch in the living room.

All three were still in their bed and this was very unusual. Usually Harry would be up just after me and Niall would get up at the same time as Lou. However, Zayn does love his bed, so this was to be expected from him.

Harry ran into the living room shortly after I called.

"Morning Daddy!" He said and jumped onto my lap.

"Morning baby. Shall we go and get your nappy changed?" I asked and he blushed.

I stood up and positioned him on my hip as I took him into Lou and I's bedroom. I laid him on the bed and made quick work of changing his nappy.

"There we go," I said, sliding a pair of his briefs, that we keep in our room, up his legs "go get Niall and Zayn. We're going somewhere today so you'll need to eat breakfast quickly." I said and Harry ran back to his room.

I got rid of the dirty nappy and wipes and returned to the living room where Louis had finished in the kitchen and was now sitting on the couch. When Harry entered the room for the second time this morning he was accompanied by a grinning Niall and a grumpy Zayn.

"Good morning." I chuckled and Zayn groaned.

"Who pissed in your Cheerios?" Louis asked jokingly. Zayn glared at Lou and I smacked his bum.

"Don't swear in front of the kids." I said in his ear.

"Sorry daddy." He rolled his eyes sassily.

"Louis." I warned and he just shrugged innocently.

"Anyways," I started "today we're going to the water park AquaLand seeing as you all loved going to the swimming pool last time."

The boys started to get really excited.

"However, there will be rules. Especially because there will be water slides and some water rides and not just a swimming pool." I said.

"What are the rules?" Zayn asked.

"Well Harry and Niall, you two will be wearing swim pull ups because I know you both leave it too late to tell us when you need the toilet, and I don't won't anyone having any accidents in the pool because then everyone would have to get out. You will all wear your floaties we've got for you and you must stay with us at all times." I said.

"Bu-" Zayn started.

"No buts Zayn, you know you're not a confident swimmer yet. Anyways, if we got there and the lifeguard asked me if you were good at swimming and I said no they would make you wear them anyways." I said and he slumped back into his seat and poured.

"Hey don't pout. This is meant to be a fun day!" Louis said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'll go and get changed." He said.

"Okay baby." I said and ruffled his hair. "Hazza, Nibear, come into Papa and I's room after you go and get your swim trunks." I said and then went into our room as Harry and Niall ran off to theirs.

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