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Louis POV

Liam made us all sandwiches and bacon as a brunch type meal. They were really nice, but I was still so tired from last night. I don't know where Liam gets all of his energy from because he was up just the same amount of time as me but he seems to be fine.

"So, today we're going to shop for school stuff." I said to the three boys still seated at the table while Liam puts the plates in the dishwasher.

"Papa, I still have some school stuff." Harry said.

"Alright, all of you let me see what you've got." I said and they scampered away to get their belongings.

Harry came back in first, carrying a crappy excuse for a school bag, one pen, one pencil and half a rubber. Zayn had a Tesco bag, a pad and a pen and Niall had a pen.

"Is this it boys?" Liam asked taking his seat at the table again. They all nodded.

"Zee, what's the Tesco bag for Hun?" I asked.

"It's what I carried my books in last year." He said.

"Well everything you've got I want you to throw it away because today we're getting you all new stuff. Now go and get ready." Liam said.

They all ran off to get changed and so did Liam and I.

"I can't believe that's what they used to take to school. It's a miracle they actually learned anything." Liam said.

"I know, but they're going to have everything they need and more after today." I said, pecked his lips and left the bedroom as I was now fully dressed.

When I entered the living room again Niall and Harry were already out but they were both trying to tie their shoes, and struggling quite a bit while trying to do it.

"Would you like some help, babies?" I asked and they both nodded.

"Ni, c'mere, you first." I said and sat him on my lap and proceeded to tie his laces. I then did the same for Harry and by this point Liam walked into the room.

"What is Zayn actually doing?" I asked.

"I don't know. Zee, c'mon we're leaving!" Liam yelled.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. I was just doing my hair." Zayn said.

"How long does it take you to do your hair?" Liam joked.

"Hey, perfection takes time." Zayn fired back and Liam rolled his eyes.

"Okay, c'mon everyone. Get in the car." I said.

I buckled Harry into his seat and Liam made sure Zayn had his seatbelt on and Niall was in his booster seat. Liam went to the drivers seat and I sat in the passenger seat as per usual.

The drive to the mall was quick and once everyone was out the car I told Harry to hold my hand at all times and Niall had to hold Liam's. Zayn had to stay close and if he wanted to look at something he had to tell us where he was going and keep his phone on at all times. None of them were allowed to wander away from us.

The first shop we went into was for uniforms. The boys got 5 shirts each, three pairs of trousers, a tie, some socks, a pair of black leather shoes and the school blazer. They got the school polo shirt with the school crest that was to be worn for PE. After the uniform shop we shopped for school bags. Zayn got a Vans school bag, Niall got a Superdry one, and Harry got a Ben 10 one. They all got stationary, such as pencils, pens, rulers, highlighters, rubbers, calculators, pencil cases, pads and folders.

Next was for PE trainers, joggers or trackies, and a PE bag. The final shop was for clothes as none of them had very many clothes. Zayn got a few tops from Superdry, Zara and JD, two pairs of jeans, a pair of Vans and a pair of Stan Smiths and a Superdry jacket and some hoodies. Niall and Harry both got new tops and jeans from Debenhams, they each got two pair of trainers as well and some hoodies.

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