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3rd Person's POV

Everything went well after Alessia's visit to the Payne household. Sure Liam and Louis embarrassed Niall quite a bit but that was to be expected as he had already seen what they'd put Zayn through.

"Your parents are so funny Ni." Alessia said as she got ready to go home and Niall silently thanked the Lord that she thought Louis was teasing when he asked if he wanted his drink in a sippy cup.

"Yeah, they're hilarious." He said rolling his eyes while she giggled.

"I'll see you at school?" She said as her buddy beeped the car horn outside.

"Yeah." Niall said and kissed her cheek. "Bye!"

For the rest of the night Niall was in a good mood and forgave Zayn for spilling his crush on Alessia to her.

Zayn really didn't do it to be malicious, he just wanted his baby brother to be happy as he could see the heart eyes the two were sending each other - both of them totally oblivious to it though.

The next morning Liam dropped the boys off at school as per usual and this time Niall sat with Alessia while she introduced him to her friends. Niall introduced Alessia to Luke as well but Luke wasn't paying much attention to her.

Harry was greeted by Kendall and all of his other friends, all running up to tell him how good his hair looked in the braid his Papa had put it in this morning.

"Hey baby." Justin called as Zayn approached the front steps of the school.

"Hi J." Zayn said, standing on his tip toes to wrap his arms around Justin's neck in a hug.

"I have a surprise for you at lunch." Justin said, whispering in Zayn's ear.

Justin was unbelievably excited, his cousin from Canada was coming to study at the school for a week through an exchange. He decided to surprise Zayn at lunch by introducing her as he knew Zayn sometimes felt a bit dejected because he hasn't met any of Justin's family.

Zayn went about his day the way he usually would, going to all of his classes and having a carry on in some of them while paying attention in the more important classes. The day was going great, it was sunny outside and he couldn't wait to see the surprise Justin had told him about earlier.

As the lunch bell rang Zayn quickly grabbed all of his material and shoved them in his bag and then practically sprinted towards the lunch table where he knew Justin would be.

And he was right; Justin was there. But he was there kissing another girl.

Granted, it was only on the cheek but that didn't matter to Zayn. His whole world was falling down around him - in the middle of the school canteen.

Justin heard someone take a sharp breath and looked around to see Zayn. He smiled at the boy, ready to introduce him to his cousin but immediately stopped when he saw the tears pouring from his eyes.

"Zayn-" Justin said approaching the crying boy.

Zayn just shook his head and fumbled with his hands. He ripped off the princess ring Justin had given him and handed it back to him.

"Don't talk to me again." Zayn said through sobs before sprinting out of the cafeteria.

With shaky hands he took out his phone and called Louis. Louis picked up after the fourth ring.

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