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Louis POV

This week's been a really tough one. I've got my exams coming up soon so the teachers are squeezing as much revision and homework in as they can.

This would be fine if I didn't have three sons.

They have been really rowdy lately and because Liam's now working at his Dad's company instead of the nursery he's been here a lot less which has left me alone with the boys a lot.

Niall's been whining a lot, Harry seems to have discovered the word 'no' and Zayn just coops himself up in his room all the time.

"Niall get back into time out now!" I say sternly from sitting at the kitchen table, trying to get my Spanish work done.

Niall was put in the corner five minutes ago for lying to me about doing his homework. I asked him to wash the dishes and he told me he had a lot of homework to finish off for tomorrow so I let him do his homework instead. I took time out of doing my work to wash the dishes and then went to see how Niall was getting on to find him playing on the Xbox.

I told him he had to go into timeout for fifteen minutes to think about what he's done and why it's wrong.

"But I'm bored sitting in the corner." He huffs and stamps his foot.

"Well too bad. You should've thought about that before you lied to me. And don't stomp your foot or you'll be getting a spanking off of Daddy when he comes in." I say and lead him back to the corner.

"You're lucky I'm not starting the timer again." I say and set the timer for ten minutes. "Ten more minutes Niall, and if you move from this corner then I'll tell about Daddy what's happened today and he won't be pleased."

I return to the table and sigh looking to down at the essay I'm supposed to complete.

"Papa, can I have some chocolate?" Harry asked coming into the kitchen.

"No Harry, dinner will be soon." I say.

"But I want chocolate now!" He says on the verge of a tantrum.

"Harry I don't have time to deal with your bratty behaviour right now so you either take an apple to keep you sustained until dinner or you have nothing." I say.

"But I. Want. Chocolate!" He shouted.

"Harry Edward! We don't shout in this house and you know that. If you act up again it's corner time mister." I say sternly.

"I hate you!" He says and runs away.

"Ughhhh." I groan out loud and drop my head down to lay on the table.

Why do I have to be a shit dad? Things are just getting too much. Maybe Liam and I weren't ready and we shouldn't have jumped in so soon. But I couldn't imagine anyone else with our boys, in fact, it hurts to think about. I love all of them with all my heart and life had actually been a lot better since they've arrived. They've spiced up Liam and I's life so it's not boring anymore.

"Baby I'm- what's up?" Liam asks dumping his car keys on the table and rubbing my back. I don't know why, it's probably all the stress, but I start crying. Just small sobs but they shake my body as Liam notices.

"Lou babe, what's wrong?" He asks lifting my head off of the table and wiping away some of the tears.

I jump on him wrapping my arms around his neck and my feet around his waist and crying into his neck. He supports my body with his hands holding my thighs and rocks us back and forth.

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