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Liam's POV

I wake up at 3:23 to go to the kitchen and get a drink of water. I moved the still snoring Louis off of me and made my way to the kitchen.

However as I passed the boys rooms I heard soft whimpers and the occasional sob. I immediately opened the door to be met with a crying Harry curled up in a ball on the floor.

"Baby, what's the matter?" I asked, picking him up which was hard because he tried to wiggle out of my grip. I sat him on my knees and that's when I felt it. His bottoms were soaking.

"Baby, did you have an accident?" I asked feeling horrible for the boy.

"P-please don't h-hit m-me." He sobbed.

"Bud, I would never hit you. Why would you think that?"

"B-because my m-mummy used t-to h-hit me when I h-had an a-accident." He cried.

"Oh baby boy. I'm so sorry. That won't ever happen again." I promised. "Come on, let's go and get you cleaned up."

I lifted him and situated him on my hip before walking into the bathroom. I ran a shallow bath and stripped him of his clothes while we waited. When the bath was finished I placed him in the tub and began to wash his body. Once I was satisfied that he was cleaned I took him out of the tub and swaddled him in a blanket. I dried him off and put some new pjs on him.

"Hey bud, you know how you said your mum used to hit you because you had accidents?" He nodded. "Well were your accidents frequent?" I asked.

He just nodded his head sadly.

"Hey, it's okay baby. It happens to the best of us. How about this. Tomorrow when Louis goes to get the weekly shop we ask him to get some pull ups."

"But N-Niall and Z-Zayn will laugh a-at m-me!" He sobbed.

"No baby. It will just be me you and Louis that will know about it."

"Just us?" He asked.

"Just us. I pinky promise." I said and held out my pinky. He hooked his pinky into mine and then yawned.

"Looks like a certain little boy is tired. Come on let's get you into bed. You can sleep with Louis and I since your sheets are in the wash."

He made grabby hands for me and I picked him up and took him back to our room. I placed him in the middle of the king sized bed beside Lou and climbed in after him.

"Sweet dreams baby. I love you." I said and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too Daddy."

I froze. What did he just call me? I went to ask him again but when I looked down at him he had snuggled into my side and was sound asleep.

~~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~~~

Louis POV

I woke up early and went to cuddle into Liam. However when I turned to snuggle into his side I was met with a mop of curls. I opened my eyes to see Harry lying in the middle of our bed sucking his thumb. Liam was awake at the other side of Harry going through his phone.

"Li, what's Harry doing in our bed?" I asked.

"Well last night, I went to get a drink of water but when I was walking past their room I heard someone crying. Turned out Harry wet the bed and he was scared we were going to hit him since that's what his mum used to do. I ran him a bath and cleaned him up, then he told me that he usually wets the bed and his mum used to beat him for it. I told him that while you go and get the shopping you would pick up a pack of pull ups for him to wear at night. He was worried that Zayn and Niall would laugh at him but I promised him that only we would know about it." He explained.

"Sounds like you've had a busy night." I laughed.

"Yeah but that's not it. Last night when I was tucking him into our bed I said goodnight and I love you and then he said 'I love you too Daddy.' He called me Daddy."

"Aww Li, that's so cute! It means he trusts us!" I squealed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. It was just a bit of a shock last night."

Our conversation was cut short when the lump under the blankets started moving around. Harry popped his head out of the covers and shyly smiled.

"Good morning baby. Liam was telling me about last night." I said and he looked as if he was going to start crying. I pulled him onto my lap.

"Hey now, it's okay. How about you come shopping today with me to pick out some pull ups, yeah? Then Niall and Zayn don't have to know about it." I said while rubbing circles into his back.

"Yes please. Thank you for not hitting me." He whispered.

"Baby boy, we would never hit you. Accidents happen and that's completely okay. You'll grow out of it eventually so don't worry. But for the time being you can wear pull ups to bed." Liam said.

"D-did I really call you that last night?" He whispered.

"Call me what baby?" Liam asked.

"Daddy. I'm sorry i didn't mean to. Please don't leave me." He cried.

"Hey. C'mere baby. Why would we leave you? Liam's not upset you called him Daddy he was just a bit shocked and confused." I said.

"My mummy used to tell me I was the reason my dad left. That no one would want to be my Daddy." He whimpered.

"Awe baby boy, I would love to be your Daddy. Okay? You can call me that if you want because I love you so much." Liam said.

"I love you too Daddy." Harry said and threw his arms around Liam's neck and cuddled in.

"And I love you too Papa." He said and I realised he was talking about me.

I pulled him from Liam's grasp and cuddled him for a good five minutes.

"Okay, I'm going to remake Harry's bed and then get the other two up. How about you two have some toast and go shopping." Liam said.

"Yeah, c'mon Harry, you get ready and I'll put the bread in the toaster." I said.

He scurried off to get dressed and Liam came over and kissed me.

"I can't believe that little boy wants us to be his parents! We're so lucky." He said.

"I know Li, I know."


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