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Louis POV

"Papa." I heard.

"Papa wake up, please." Someone cried and I felt a finger poke my face.

"Papa please." Harry wailed.

Harry. I shot straight up in bed and put the bedside lamp on. Harry was standing at the side of my bed with tears running down his cheeks.

"Oh baby, what's wrong?" I ask as I pull him into a hug.

"Had a bad dream that you and Daddy would leave me." He whimpered.

"Baby, we'll never leave you. We love you too much." I said.

"What's going on?" Liam questioned rolling over in bed.

"Harry just had a nightmare that you and I (we don't wanna be like them) would leave him." I explained.

"Baby boy, you know how much we love you. We could never leave you. How about you come sleep with us tonight?" Liam asked.

Harry nodded and started to crawl in between us. I looked at the alarm clock that said 01:43.

"Haz, before we go back to bed do you need a nappy change?" I asked and he shrugged. Liam slipped a finger in the nappy and informed me that it was in fact wet.

"Let's go and get get you changed into a nice new nappy. How does that sound?" I asked, going into the en suite to get a nappy and some wipes.

When I returned Harry was already lying on the bed ready for a change. I got to work on pulling his PJ bottoms down and then untapped the nappy. I wiped him down and slid the new nappy underneath him. I taped up the sides and made sure it was on properly before pulling his PJ bottoms back up.

"All done, now let's go to bed, yeah?" I said.

Harry crawled in the middle between Liam and I and soon we were all sound asleep again.

Liam's POV

I woke up again at 05:00 to the sound of whimpers. I looked beside me and Harry was still sleeping but there were tears running down his cheeks.

"Harry baby, wake up. It's just a dream." I said rubbing his tummy.

He woke up and as soon as he saw me he burst into new sobs.

"Baby what's up?" I asked tiredly.

"S-same n-nightmare." He sobbed.

"Hey it's okay. Let's try and be quiet though okay? We don't want Papa waking up again." I said.

"It's okay Li, I'm already up." Lou said yawning. "What's wrong?"

"He had the same nightmare" I said.

"Aww baby. C'mere." Louis said and Harry snuggled into his arms.

"You two try and go to sleep, I'm going to call someone really quick." I said.

I made my way into the living room and got my phone, calling the person who told me that she'd always be there for me. Even though it's like 5 o'clock my mum told me that I could call her at anytime if I was having troubles. She picked up on the fourth ring.

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