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Liam's POV

After watching Zayn enter the high school doors with Calum, Louis and I made our way back to the car so I could drive him to the college which is five minutes away.

"Liiiiii, I really can't be bothered with college or school." He whined.

"I know baby, but after this year you won't have to work again. I'll have more than enough for all five of us once I take over dads company." I said.

"Fine." He huffed.

"Hey now, don't go in a huff. I just want you to get a qualification because I know how smart you are."

"Thanks Li."

"No problem Boo."

We pulled up outside of the college and Louis exited the car.

"Bye baby! I'll be here to pick you up at four!" I shouted and his face turned a deep shade of crimson.

"God Liam you're like an embarrassing dad!" He said walking back towards the car to scold me and give me one last kiss.

"More like Daddy." I smirked.

"Liam, don't sexualise something that the boys say on a daily basis." He scolds me.

"I love you." I say and blow him a kiss.

"Love you too." He waves and walks into the building.

I drive to the nursery which is fifteen minutes away from the schools and sign in. I get all of the toys out of the cupboards and then open the doors at half past nine.

A tsunami of adults holding toddlers and baby's rush through the door. I sigh. First day back and I can already tell it's going to be a long day.

Zayn's POV

Calum and I take a seat in the main auditorium of the school. There is a presentation on the screen and Principle Higgins is telling us the school standards and expectations.

He listed them on the screen which was quite hard for me to see so I put my glasses on. I heard a couple of sniggers and turned to see where they came from. A group of boys were sitting behind me and they were all looking at me and laughing.

My face flushes and I turn back around to face the screen. Suddenly my chair jerks forward and Calum has to hold my arm to keep me from falling. I look behind again to see the same three boys laughing. All through assembly the boys continued to kick my chair and flick chewing gum wrappers at me.

We were finally dismissed from assembly so Calum and I started to walk to our first class which was maths. We entered the classroom to see one of the boys that were sitting behind us sitting in one of the chairs. As I made my way past him he stuck his foot out and I tripped on it and fell.

A few tears gathered in my eyes as I thought about my last school. I picked myself up and brushed myself down. The boy who tripped me up sniggered and muttered a "fag" under his breath.

I took my seat beside Calum and layed my head down on the desk. It's only first period and I already can't wait to get out of this hell hole.

Niall's POV

I ran away after giving Daddy and Papa a kiss and joined my class line. I took my place beside a boy with blonde hair. It wasn't blonde like mine, but it was blonde none the less.

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