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Zayn's POV

I groan as I wake up, my head's already pounding and it's in that moment I realise how much trouble I'm gonna be in.

I went to turn onto my other side and hit my head on something. I grabbed it and it was a sippy cup with water in it. Dad and Papa must've given me it last night before I went to bed.

"Zayn wake up." Papa said and pulled the covers off of me.

"Noooooo Papa." I whined and took another drink of water.

"Oh baby, come on, you'll need to get washed up." He said sympathetically and it's then I noticed the warmness between my legs compared to the rest of my legs.

"Wh-I I didn't mean to." I said getting increasingly upset.

"It's okay baby, this normally happens when you get as drunk as you were last night. It's just your body telling you, you can't handle it."

"M'sorry Papa." I said standing up.

"It's okay baby, go take your boxers off and wipe yourself down, I'll change your bed."

I went into the bathroom and took my wet boxers off and cleaned myself up. I put on a new pair of boxers and went back into my room.

"Zayn go see your Dad, you don't want to make him even angrier than he is." Papa said and I sighed.

I started to walk out of the room, not even bothering to put on sweats because I know he'll make me take them straight back off.

"Morning Dad." I said apprehensively as I entered the living room.

"Morning Zayn. Sit down please." He said and pointed to the couch across from him.

I sat down and looked at him expectantly.

"Now I'm not going to lie, I was extremely disappointed in you last night. You deliberately disobeyed me and when Justin tried to keep you on the right path you told him to leave you alone. You're so lucky that Justin stepped in before that guy Jay could take advantage of you or something!" He seethed and I lowered my head in shame.

"This childish behaviour of going against what we say deliberately will not be tolerated at all. So here's what's going to happen. You're grounded for two weeks and I will have your phone for those two weeks as well. Your freedom has now been limited to the same that Harry and Niall would get and you'll be getting twenty spanks." He finished and I sniffled, trying to stop my tears from falling.

"Do you understand Zayn?" He asked and I nodded. "Words baby."

"Y-yes Dad I u-understand."

"Now c'mere." Dad said and I walked over to him. He bent me over his lap and rubbed my back soothingly as I continued to sob.

"Shhhh baby, you need to calm down before I start." He said and continues to rub my back until I calmed down a little. "Only twenty love."

By the end of the spanking I was full on sobbing into his trousers.

"That's you babes." Dad said and turned me around on his lap cuddled me into his chest.

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