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3rd Person POV

"Zayn! Justin! Get up! We're having lunch with Ash and Mikey today!" Liam called to the two sleeping teenagers.

"Nooooooo." Zayn whined and buried his face deeper into Justin's chest.

"What time is it?" Justin asked, stretching his muscles with a sigh.

"It's too early, whatever time it is." Zayn whined and flopped back onto the pillow, lying on his stomach after Justin sat up.

"Awwww is wittle Zaynie tired because he stayed up past his bedtime last night?" Justin teased and was rewarded by being flipped off by Zayn, who didn't bother to take his head off the pillow.

"I hate to do this Zayn." Justin said as he smirked. "But you've left me no choice."

"Do wha- ah! Justin please stop!" Zayn shrieked as Justin proceeded to tickle Zayn.

"Hmmmm, I don't think so." Justin laughed and kept tickling Zayn.

Zayn kept squirming under Justin's grip and extremely high pitched shrieks were erupting from his mouth every so often.

"What the hell is going on in he- oh." Liam said as he barged into the bedroom and was confronted with a topless Justin on top of Zayn.

"Hi Dad." Zayn blushed with embarrassment.

"Get dressed we're leaving soon, and we will talk about this in the car." He said before exiting the bedroom.

"Justin!" Zayn whined. "That was so embarrassing! Dad thought we were, ya know... Doing it." He said and couldn't help giggle a little.

"It's fine sweetheart, we'll tell him we weren't and he'll obviously believe us. I mean, there's no reason not to, is there?" Justin said to which Zayn nodded. "We should get dressed."

"We should." Zayn said. "But I don't want to." He pouted and turned around on his stomach to burrow his body into the covers.

"Hurry up and get dressed you silly goose." Justin laughed as he slapped Zayn's ass before climbing down from the bed. "You might also want to change your underwear before someone else sees."

Zayn looked down and realised that he was in fact still wearing the same black lace panties from last night. He blushed furiously and cursed himself for being so tired the night before that he forgot to remove said item.

"I - uh yeah." He stuttered.

Justin went to change in the bathroom after he'd showered. He was already dressed by the time Zayn was entering the bathroom to shower himself.

"Justin!" Harry exclaimed running to the older boy, whom he had the tiniest crush on.

"Hey Hazza. How are you?" Justin said picking the small boy up and placing him on his hip.

"I'm good!" Harry grinned feeling ecstatic.

"Harry, I hope you're not bothering Justin." Louis said as he came into the living room and gave Niall, who was sitting watching TV, a pair of socks.

"M'not Papa." Harry insisted.

Just then Zayn appeared from his room, hair styled to perfection.

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