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*Trigger warning for the start of this chapter. If you want to avoid it scroll until you see the bold writing again.*

Zayn's POV

As soon as we reached the house after picking Papa up from college I grabbed my bag and stormed upstairs. Why did I think this school would be different to the last one?

I ran into Ni, Haz and I's shared bedroom, slammed the door and slid down to my knees. I put my head in my hands and just cried. I cried out all of the emotions I've been holding in today.

I stumbled over to the top drawer of my desk and pulled out my blade. I make four cuts on each arm, not going too deep. Once I'm satisfied, I go to the bathroom, clean the blade and my cuts and then place the blade back into my desk drawer. I tug my sleeves down and hope no one notices.

(Safe to read again)

Liam's POV

Once we get in the house Harry and Niall are extremely eager to tell me all about their day, however Zayn just heads straight to his room. He's probably just got homework or something.

"What does everyone want for dinner?" I asked the boys who were siting at the dining room table.

"Pizza!" They shouted in unison.

"Alright, I guess we can have it because it's the first day back." I chuckled.

I phoned the Pizzeria and not even twenty minutes later, the pizzas arrived.

"Dinners here! Everyone at the table!" I shouted.

Niall and Harry were already sitting at the table when Louis and Zayn came in.  We all listened to Niall and Harry talk about their day, however when I asked Zayn about his day he just muttered an "it was fine" and that ended the conversation.

"So boys, tomorrow after school our mums are coming over to see you all. They've both been dying to meet you guys and I think they're going to spoil you lot rotten." Louis said.

"What are their names?" Niall asked.

"Karen and Jay." I said and Niall nodded.

"Grandma Karen and Nana Jay!" Harry shouted grinning.

"I'm sure they'll love hearing you call them that." Louis smiled.

Everyone finished their dinner and left, so that Louis and I could clean up.

"Zayn seems a bit quiet since he went back to school." I commented.

"Yeah, he's probably just tired, he's not been used to getting up so early." Louis laughed.

"Yeah, I guess." I sighed.

"Hey, if somethings up I'm sure he'd come and talk to us about it. Don't worry." He said and cuddled into my chest.

"I'll try not to, but it's hard." I said kissing his forehead.

3rd Person

"Right Hazzie, you're going to count to twenty and then when you finish you're going to come and find me, okay?" Niall asked.


"One.... two...." He started.

Niall ran away from Harry and into their room, he looked around for a hiding space and settled on underneath Zayn's desk. He climbed to the back of the desk and tucked my knees up to his chest so Harry wouldn't be able to see his legs.

"Nineteen... Twenty! Ready or not, here I come!" He heard Harry shout.

Niall heard him enter the room, and watched him look under the blankets and underneath the beds. He looked in the wardrobes and then finally he spotted Niall when he turned around.

"Found you Ni!"

"Yeah you did Haz, why don't we go and ask Zayn if he wants to play with us?" Niall asked and Harry nodded his head vigorously.

They walked into the living room where Zayn had his headphones in and was playing something on the Xbox.

"Zayn?" Niall asked.

"Zayn." Harry repeated. Still nothing.

"ZAYN!" He shouted louder this time.

When Zayn still didn't move, Harry stood in front of the TV with his arms crossed and a pout on his lips.

Zayn let out an annoyed sigh and paused the game.

"Harry get out the way."

"No! I tried to ask you if you wanted to play with us but you kept ignoring us!" Harry said and stomped his foot.

"Yes Harry, because I'm playing this game and I don't want to play with you right now okay?" Zayn huffed.

"But we're playing hide and seek Zee, and it would be your turn to count!" Niall added.

"Why can't the both of you get it through your thick skulls that I don't want to play any stupid baby games with you. I'm not a baby like you two, so why would I want to play with you?" He shouted.

Niall and Harry were both taken back by Zayn's statement and his shouting. He's never been mean to them and yet right now, he's being horrible.

Harry was the first one to start crying, first it was little sniffles and then full on sobs, and Niall wasn't far after either. As soon as Zayn heard their sobs something snapped. He came out of his mood and was now left with the fact that he's just upset his two little brothers.

He stepped closer to Harry, who was crying harder but Harry took a step back and Zayn felt his heart shatter and suddenly he wanted to cry too. So that's what he did. He sat on the floor with his back leaning on the couch and cried into his hands. How could he be so horrible to two of the few people who actually made him smile.

"Zaynie? Zee?" Niall asked poking at Zayn's fingers.

"Zee are you okay?" Niall asked again.

Zayn brought his hands down from his eyes and stared at Harry and Niall in front of him. They had both stopped crying and looked utterly confused.

"I'm sorry Zee, we didn't want to make you sad." Harry said.

"No, don't you apologise. I was so horrible to you two there and I'm so sorry. I'm just a little bit stressed with school, that's all. And I'm sorry I took it out on you two." Zayn apologised.

"It's okay Zee, we love you." Harry said.

"I love you guys too. Now come and get a hug."

They all moved onto the sofa and Niall and Harry both cuddled into Zayn. They all must've worn themselves out by crying because that's how Liam and Louis found them, asleep on the couch. The two older men "awed" at the sight, totally oblivious to the mishap.

Hey guys!

Having a bit of boy trouble at the moment 🙄 so I had to get that all sorted before I posted this chapter.

Anyways, this book has reached 1K reads so thank you to everyone who reads this book and I know I always say it but a lot of the comments actually make my day.

Thank you guys so much!



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