Chapter 1

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Note before starting. Maddison can look how ever you want I guess her facial features but later on I may mention she has shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes and she is fairly tall (slightly shorter than 180cm you can choose how much slightly is I won't give an exact). That's about it really. She will have a certain style but until I say what you think what you want to I guess.

Maddie's POV:
"Mads no please you said you would always protect me!" My little brother pleaded as I held a knife, he knew what I was going to do. He knew I had to do it. "I'm sorry." I gave him one last hug and at the same time plunged the knife into his chest. "I'm.....sorry," I sobbed into his shoulder. "You......promised me..." He said right before he died. I lay his body on the ground and shut his eyes. "I couldn't protect you from myself, or yourself and I'm truly sorry."

I shot up out of bed in a cold sweat. Underneath my sheets was like an oven I was boiling.  Killed my little brother 9 years ago I was only 17 he was only 10. I felt so horrible afterwards. I couldn't come to terms and burn his body but when an old friend of my fathers came up to visit he did it then as much as it killed him to do so as well. He basically raised me and my brother for 3 years then he could no longer look after us so gave us to good friends of his but that didn't last long. Only another 4 years and then my brother killed them.

My family has never been normal. My mum was an orphan, my dad was a hunter, my brother was half a demon and as for me no one really knew what happened to me. I sort of have these powers. I can teleport or more fly. I have wings which scares me sometimes so I never use them. My eyes become an even lighter blue when I'm using my wings and I can throw people back and hold them there using some kind of magic. But I'm no witch my mum was never a witch, neither was my grandma. My father was normal, except for the fact that he was a hunter. Well at least I think he was just a hunter I never really knew he died when I was 7 along with my mother. In a house fire. I dragged my brother out. I don't have a lot of memory of that night, all I remember is that I woke up in the middle of the night to see this dark figure in mine and my brothers room, he was only 6 months old at the time. I thought it was my father at first but he seemed very scared of me and started to escape when he saw I was awake then both my mother and father ran in ready to kill whatever this was and it dragged my mother to the ceiling and she caught on fire. I grabbed my baby brother and ran, my dad never made it out of the house.

I decided to actually get out of bed this morning and go do something. It was better than lying down and then next minute a rock comes flying through my window. No one in the town liked me I lived the furthest away in a house that you had to go down a little road which had trees either side. But if I was actually seen outside and about no one went near. They blamed me for not looking after my little brother well enough because not only did he kill the people who were looking after us for 3 years until I made the decision he would every now and then kill a young kid sometimes as young as 5. Now kids have started disappearing again and they are blaming me saying I want to finish what ever he was doing. I have no idea why the kids are disappearing again and honestly don't care the towns people have done nothing for me. Only one actually liked me and it was because I was able to save her little boy who was 8 at the time she knows that I'm a good person and gets food and stuff for me because she knows if I got into town I'm likely to get killed by some arsehole. Sometimes I have to go into town to get things or to talk to her, I have to do so secretly. I have been stabbed, shot, knocked out and dragged to a basement and interrogated, arrested then let go because there was no evidence and then had my stuff taken away from me. It was only my money which I just walked back to my house and got some more. I had just been fed up with it and don't care anymore. The person who stabbed me got a broken eye socket and was blind in one eye. The guy who shot me was thrown through a shop window and broke his elbow and got bruising on his back and cuts from the glass. The person who knocked me out just let me walk through their house and out when I basically punched a hole through the door. The person who took my money got a rude surprise when I showed up at his house in the middle of the night. No one goes near me now.

I walked outside to my little garden, about the only thing I took pride in now was my garden. It was so nice and organised and lovely. I had an apple tree, some carrot plants, a few potatoes, some beans and corn. I just sit on my swinging seat sometimes and just got lost in my own world. It was nice just to sit outside sometimes just to try and get away from reality. I still was a hunter and dealt with whatever came to town. Had a few vampires, shifters and angry spirits but I dealt with them all.

As I sat quietly and just enjoying my peace I heard a knock at the door. No one ever knocked at my door anymore and Claire said she can't drop anything off for me today. I snuck around the side to see two guys in suits knocking at my door. "I don't think she is home," the tallest one said.
"Or maybe she is hiding and doesn't want to talk to us because she is guilty and she knows it," the shorter but handsome one said.
"But Dean, Claire said that it wasn't her who is taking the kids and she knows it and that she also saved her son 11 years ago." Dean seemed disgruntled at what the taller one was saying.
"I say we break the door down Sammy," Dean said.
"No wait!" I yelled running out from the side of the house. Dean brought out his gun and I stopped dead and put my hands up. "Please don't wreck my house it's the last thing I have left. And I swear on my life that I don't have any weapons." Dean kept his gun up and Sam came closer and checked my pockets, my boots and jacket sleeves for any weapons. I put my arms down a took a deep breath. Dean dropped his gun and put it away and brought out an FBI badge, Sam took a step back and did the same. I knew these boys weren't really FBI they were hunters. The weird disappearances of the children brought them here. "It's ok we only want to talk," Sam said putting his hands up in defence. Because I could still see that Dean was tense I asked them both to come around the back where I still had the door unlocked. Dean walked behind me and Sam walked in front of me. Dean went inside first then Sam had a little look at the garden I could see that he was kinda stalling to give Dean enough time to check for any traps or anything, they wouldn't find much. My stash of guns and weapons were hidden behind a cupboard in a small room under the stairs. "Nice garden you do all this yourself?" Sam asked.
"Yeah not many people like me in town as you probably already heard," I said putting my hands in my pockets. Sam seemed much nicer plus he already checked me for weapons. "Are they true?" He asked.
"Depends on what you heard?"
"That you are taking the kids and that's about it?"
"Hmm well story time when your partner is done snooping around in my house. A house which he will find nothing in!" I said the last part a little louder so Dean could hear me. Sam gave me a look. I just rolled my eyes. "I can easily tell your not FBI and that you are hunters," I said and he just tilted his head a bit like as if saying. "Fair enough," But without actually saying it.

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