Chapter 5

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Maddie's POV:
Whilst we drove west towards the next town Sam was looking for another attack somewhere. "A man had his heart torn out and his liver is missing," Sam said. I looked over his shoulder to see. "School teacher?" I said.
"Well known and loved," Sam said after.
"Where is it?" Dean asked.
"You will come to a small town if you keep driving west then turn north to the next one it's there," Sam said.

When we arrived we booked into the nearest hotel and wandered around the town. Sam and I went to the school in our suits and Dean checked out other places around to see if there was anything suspicious.

We arrived at the school and an area had been shut off. The flag pole was had dried blood all over it the side of the building too. It had something written on it, I couldn't work out what it said at first but then I took a few steps back. "No one can figure it out so I wouldn't try," A guy said as he walked past me. Sam came and stood beside me.
"Looks like a bunch of scribble to me." I tilted my head slightly then moved to behind the flag pole and tilted my head again. "I'll come back for the next one," I said.
"What?" Sam asked following me.
"It says I'll come back for the next one." I looked at him and put my hands in my pocket.
"What do you suppose that means." I shrugged.
"Dunno. Next teacher?"
"Maybe. Let's go ask some questions." Sam went around to some of the students and I the teachers.

"He was a very nice man Harry Collins was. He was a good teacher too," the principal of the school said.
"Is there anyone you can think of that may have wanted to murder Mr Collins," I asked.
"No, no one that I can think of at least everybody like him even the students would come to school just for his class. Besides what human could write whatever they did on the wall and string him up on the flag pole."
"He was strung up on the flag pole?" I asked.
"Yes. He had his heart ripped out and his liver too then was strung up on the flag pole. Whatever monster did this you have to find them."
"I will don't you worry about a thing. Out of interest is did he have a brother or sister. Or any other relation that is a teacher."
"His wife is the school nurse, why."
"Any children."
"Two, yes. Where are you going with this."
"At this school?"
"Yes. Please Why are you asking?"
"It was about what the writing was on the wall."
"You know what it said?!" The Principal asked enthusiastically.
"I have a slight idea but it's better if you don't know."
"Understandable." There was a knock at the door and Sam poked his head around and motioned for me. "Excuse me I have to go now. Thank you for answering my questions."
"No worried thank you for being here I'll feel much safer."

I stepped out of the office and walked with Sam. "Dean called he said he found another message on an ally way wall and can't read it," Sam said.
"That reminds me. Probably a good idea to get both of your numbers so I can call you two," I said.
"Sure," Sam handed me his phone and I put my number in then I handed him my phone and he put his and Dean's number in. Dean would get my number later.

We walked up the ally way and Dean was no where to be seen. Sam called him I heard a phone ringing underneath a dumpster. I reached under and picked it up answering it and waving it at Sam. He dropped his arm and ran forward. His face said it all. "In broad daylight!?" Sam said quite loudly.
"Not really in this alley way here. Easily, down that way and he is gone no one saw," I said.
"Not helping Maddie."
"Sorry." I put Dean's phone in my pocket and walked down the alley way that only led to an old bridge that wasn't used often and looked like homeless people lived there. Went there during the night or something. Sam growled behind me and threw a rock into the small river. I left him to do what ever, be angry walk off anything. I saw a dark figure moving the dumpster and just stood there as I watched this person in a black hoodie I didn't know exactly what they were doing but saw them jump down a hole underneath the dumpster. I walked back and got Sam and saw the hole myself. It was small it wasn't even big enough for Sam to fit in his shoulders were too wide but I could. I was strong but still skinny. I slid in and down. "Don't get yourself killed down there I'll try and find another way in," Sam said as I got into the hole. I just looked at him and he pushed the dumpster back so the person who was down here couldn't get back out that way. I saw their shadow go past a torch and I followed. I got around the corner and saw a vast majority of pipes and Dean was attached to one with his jacket missing. Then the person dropped there skin, literally. They were a shape shifter. Whilst they were doing so I snuck into the area and hid in the shadows pulling my own hoodie over so I was more concealed. The shifter was now a Dean look alike and they put on his jacket and grabbed his weapons then walked out another way. I watched where this way was and then texted Sam on Dean's phone and told him to not trust the Dean that is coming out, that's a shifter. Then I went back to the real Dean and untied him. He looked like he put up a hell of a fight as his forehead was bruised and had a split lip. He weakly punched the air. "Get away from me you dirty shifter," he said trying to push me away but he was only half conscious. "It's the real me Dean I'm not the shifter," I said cutting the binds and lifting him up and over my shoulder. He fell back unconscious and I began to walk down the way the shifter went. I carried Dean almost to the end when he woke up and almost threw me off balance because his face was in my arse so he pushed away from it. I put him down and he put an arm around me and with the other arm held his gut. It was an easier climb out and we saw that we came out basically at the school. Then I called Sam and we headed back to the hotel.

Sam was already back at the hotel waiting for us. I looked at him and there was a certain shine in his eyes that I hadn't noticed before. I put Dean down on the bed and got him a drink of water and a clean shirt. I then turned around to Sam and touched his forehead to which he fell asleep.

Dean's POV:
I shot up really quickly no matter how much it hurt. "What the hell did you do!" I was pissed.
"That's not Sam," Maddie said.
"How can you possibly tell that?"
"One the Impala wasn't even outside and when I brought you in injured Sam or not Sam smiled a little I noticed it. I didn't want to stab him just incase but he is perfectly fine I promise."
"You happen to have a silver knife or something?" I asked. Maddie brought out her knifed that had the symbols on them and sliced Sam's arm. He shot up yelling. Then she cut his face and he cried out and sort of melted and changed to look like her. She stabbed the shifter in the gut straight away. "So where is Sam then?" I asked.
"Somewhere lets go find him. Maddie threw a spare jacket at me and picked up my gun from the shifter.

We walked past the school. "So what the hell did that then?" I asked pointing to the writing on the wall.
"No clue unless the shifter did it."
"How can a shifter do that?"
"No idea?" I had a feeling that Maddie knew what had wrote the message on the wall. "Let's just find Sam and get it over and done with and get out of here." Then out of no where Sam burst threw the doors of the school stumbling out. I ran as best as I could over to him. I looked down the hallway and a shadowy smoky figure stood at the end. Maddie came running up and saw it too and ran in and the doors shut behind her locking Sam and I out. "Maddie!" I yelled banging on the door.
"Just get Sam out of here!" She turned back to me, "I'll see you on the other side."
"No!" I banged on the door but black smoke engulfed her.

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