Chapter 16

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Dean's POV:
We arrived around the back of the shop. Sam was picking the lock to the back door whilst Maddie and Cas went around to the front and played lovers to try and trick the witch. Keep her occupied for long enough for Sam and I to get in through the back.

Once we were in I could hear Maddie talking to the woman. "Oh yes your potion worked brilliantly I couldn't be happier. Do you have any more of that stuff," she said.
"Ahh yes I think so let me go check in the back." I saw the door open and hid behind it. Sam hid on the other side. We jumped her from both sides and she screamed. "Please don't kill me I didn't do anything wrong!" She yelled. We dragged her out to the front.
"Why are you breaking people up with this," Maddie held the vile up.
"Because no one ever loved me. I have been so lonely all my life. I hate seeing people so happy all the time. I'm so envious of love so I decided to make people feel like me," she said pathetically.
"Your just a no good bully," Maddie said and brought out her knife. She wasn't going to kill her just scare her.
"Please, no. I don't want to die. I have just been lonely all my life."
"You ruined so many peopled lives," Maddie said sternly. Some how I fell more in love with that girl. "It- it worked for you two. You said so yourself!" She said desperately.
"We are hunters sweetie we don't get happy lives. We were lying." I couldn't take it anymore and stabbed her in the back killing her. I couldn't stand Maddie saying anymore. I could understand that she was angry but I didn't want to hear that a hunter could never have a happy life.

Maddie's POV:
Dean stopped me outside before we went into the hotel room. "You didn't really mean that did you?" He asked.
"Mean what?"
"That hunters can't have happy lives." I sighed and looked straight into his eyes then smiled.
"If Sam was a hunter and got a childhood then we can be hunters and be happy with each other," I said.
"Sam only got a childhood because of me," Dean said looking at the ground. I put my hand on his face and made him look at me. "Then you can have a happy life because of me," I kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Although I'm sure Dean has done this many times he seemed scared, nervous almost. The door opened and Sam yelled to us. "Come on love birds we have to keep moving!" He said but laughing. I let go and laughed burying my face in Dean's coat. He took a step back and I looked at him. He smiled then we walked inside.

I sat in the back Impala feeling good with life right now. I finally was able to escape from the shitty life that I had. I was finally able to escape my past. But on to the next job it was. People bashed there heads in and then jumped out the nearest window. This had been happening in a retirement home which was a little strange seeing as they don't do much. It could be a spirit coming back to haunt one but that wouldn't explain why this thing went after two who had no relations what so ever.

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