Chapter 11

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Maddie's POV:
Dean and I sat in a bar. Sam decided on the sleeping option. I only agreed because I wasn't tired. The whole night I just watched Dean flirt with girls and laughed when he came back with their numbers. He came back very proud of himself with a very pretty girls number. I laughed at him. "What?" He asked smiling looking very proud of himself.
"Dean you do realise that girl has a boyfriend right?" I said shaking my head.
"What? She said she didn't," he sat down. And looked behind him to which a very buff man came walking up to her and he kissed her. He turned around looking slightly scared. I laughed. "You could have told me that sooner!" He said quite distressed and I just laughed more. "I could have been pummelled!"
"Now that's a show I'd love to see," I laughed. He looked a me very angrily. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." I laughed and he sarcastically smiled at me. Someone tapped me from behind and I turned. It was a young girl. "Oh sorry I didn't realise you were a female mistook you for a man," she said laughing. Dean stood up very quickly. "Ooo you got your boyfriend to stand up for you." I stood up and smiled evilly at her.
"Oh honey I ain't into men and that's the first mistake you made because you're a very pretty girl and drunk me, well I can work my magic. Meet me later and you will see," I said reaching for her hand.
"Eww get off of me you filthy lesbian," she ran back to her friends and they all made disgusted face and moved away. I sat back down and laughed to myself. Dean sat back down and just looked at me weirdly. "Your not really?" I laughed at him.
"Dean no I'm not it's an act to get them to piss off. Used it a few times now. Boys too. They come up asking if I'd like to come back to their place for some fun and I would look at a girl in the bar and just say something like. No not you but she is pretty hot and they leave very quickly."
"Wow. Got a question though?"
"Do you really know how to work your magic," he said winking at me. I pushed him lightly and laughed.
"Not tonight," I said taking a sip from my beer.
"Not tonight eh how about tomorrow," he winked at me again.
"Dean! For god sake," I said laughing. He laughed as well but our laughter soon died down and the situation got a little awkward. We both looked up at each other. He smiled at me. "Thursday night?"
"Oh my god," I said laughing and shaking my head. I took another drink and looked into the mirror that was behind the bar. I saw two females looking into it at me. I turned around but they weren't there. "What?" Dean said looking behind as well.
"Nothing just thought I saw something?"
"Something or someone," he asked.
"Someone. Or more two people."
"Yeah." I shrugged and turned back around.

I basically carried Dean back to the hotel room because he decided to have a drinking game with a couple of guys that where there. He kept talking crap and nestling his head into my neck. He stumbled a couple of times and I just ended up picking him up and carrying him back until I got to the door. I put him down on the bed and flopped down beside him not caring that it was the same bed. I was tired now and just wanted to sleep.

Sam's POV:
I woke up early in the morning as usual to see that Maddie wasn't in her bed I had a moment of panic but then realised that she was on the other side and Dean too. I smiled and laughed to myself. When I got up I took a picture of them sleeping in the same bed. Dean was sleeping on his belly with am arm on Maddie's back. The phone clicked and Maddie woke up. She had to slide out of bed to not wake Dean up. I made an aww face and she just pointed at me and told me to shut up in a whisper. I laughed and she glared at me evilly. "I'll go get us some breakfast you just deal with your hangover and Dean's when he wakes up. She gave me the thumbs up and gathered up clothes and walked into the bathroom to have a shower. I walked outside and decided to go for a walk. I could hear some one behind me but ignored it probably just someone going for a morning walk.

Dean's POV:
I woke up and hear the water to the bathroom running. I didn't see Sam or Maddie. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. A few minutes Maddie came out of the bathroom with a towel just sitting on her head. "Where is Sam Mother Teresa," I said. Maddie glared at me and took the towel off her head and threw it at me. "Getting breakfast smartass. Should be back soon." I gathered my own clothes and went for a shower whilst Maddie brushed and tied up her hair.

I walked out of the shower, forgetting that it was just Maddie in the room, with no shirt on. "Oo Mr sexy is back everyone," she said laughing. This made my cheeks heat up. "Demon protection tattoo, smart idea."
"Don't you have one?" I asked still feeling the heat in my cheeks.
"Didn't feel the need to last time a demon tried to possess me they got a rude shock when they found out I was stronger than the average human and wasn't exactly, human." She looked at the ground.
I looked around the hotel room and didn't see Sam anywhere. "You said he just went out to get some breakfast didn't you?" I asked slightly worried.
"Yeah maybe he walked there?"
"Even if he did shouldn't he be back by now!?" Maddie screwed up her face questionably.
"Come on then let's go." She put her denim jacket on and picked up my jacket. "Put your shirt on before you make other woman melt," she winked at me. What the hell did I do last night to get this out of her.

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